Meaningful Growth for Every Child, EVERY DAY Strategies to impact children’s developmental growth Dianne Patterson Educational Consultant Welcome and introductions Frog Street, 2019
Brain Smart Start® - Unite Two Little Eyes Two little eyes to look around, Two little ears to hear each sound, One little nose to smell what’s sweet, One little mouth that likes to eat! Frog Street, 2019
Brain Smart Start® - Calm Inhale . . . . . . Exhale Frog Street, 2019
Brain Smart Start® - Connect Hold My Hands (Tune: Row, Row, Row Your Boat) Hold, hold, hold my hands, Gently, just like this. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily I’ll leave you with a kiss. Frog Street, 2019
Brain Smart Start® - Commit I commit to investigate opportunities for differentiated instruction in Frog Street curriculum. Frog Street, 2019
AGENDA differentiated instruction Frog Street activities for Investigate the purpose of differentiated instruction Frog Street activities for differentiation Applications, Practice, Transitions Reflections Frog Street, 2019
Why is differentiation of activities important? Windows of Opportunity video Frog Street, 2019
Dr. Pam Schiller video Frog Street, 2019
Copyright © 2017 ZERO TO THREE. All rights reserved. Frog Street, 2019
Copyright © 2017 ZERO TO THREE. All rights reserved. Frog Street, 2019
Review the Brain Compatible Strategies Handout Turn and Talk with table partners. Share one strategy that you commit to use next year. One activity in each domain each day for each child. Pam Schiller, Ph.D. Brain Compatible Handout on tables Frog Street, 2019
When do you differentiate instruction? What tools to you have in Frog Street curriculum? Frog Street, 2019
Materials Basket of materials on each table Frog Street, 2019
Notice · Respond · Observe · Differentiate Model activity, model adaptations Frog Street, 2019
Notice · Respond · Observe · Differentiate Model activity Discuss adaptations Show video and discuss the importance of language Verbal Exchange Video Frog Street, 2019
Choices . . . Adaptations Extend Frog Street, 2019
Choices . . . Modify for special needs Adapt for younger and older toddlers Frog Street, 2019
What is differentiated instruction for infants and toddlers? One child with an adult focused on key developmental goals/IEP goals Designed to foster a greater depth of understanding Collaboration with colleagues Progress Monitoring Frog Street, 2019
Important Concepts Pre-teach concepts that may be needed for children to participate fully in a whole-group activity - Toddlers A time to reinforce ideas and concepts children may be struggling to achieve. Assess where children are in their learning process. Compare and Contrast – what's the same about your purpose for small groups and these? Frog Street, 2019
Differentiate! Your turn! Turn to the cards/pages indicated on the table card. Review the lesson and share with your group. 3. Discuss opportunities to differentiate the instruction 4. Share! 20 minute small group activity Frog Street, 2019
Reflections How can you impact children’s development with differentiated activities? How will you incorporate assessment? What is your action plan for this school year? Engage in discussion to reflect on the questions. Frog Street, 2019
Meaningful Growth for Every Child, EVERY DAY Strategies to impact children’s developmental growth! Wishing you success! Wishing you success! Frog Street, 2019