Welcome to the Key Stage 2 SATS Information Session Please feel free to have a look at the past SATS papers out on the tables.
What are SATS? SATS (Standard Attainment Tests) take place in May each year Tests in Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling, Reading Comprehension and Maths Used by schools to assess children’s progress Used to some extent by High Schools to set expectations for GCSE (children are usually re-tested at most High Schools in Y7) Used by government to monitor schools as a measure of how schools are performing Sit alongside Teacher Assessments
SATS Timetable 2018 Monday 14th May: KS2 English GAPS Test Paper 1: Questions KS2 English GAPS Test Paper 2: Spelling Tuesday 15th May: KS2 English Reading Test (comprehension) Wednesday 16th May: KS2 Mathematics Tests Paper 1: Arithmetic KS2 Mathematics Tests Paper 2: Reasoning Thursday 17th May: KS2 Mathematics Test Paper 3: Reasoning
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Grammar paper worth 50 marks - 45 mins Spelling paper consisting of 20 spellings -20 marks. Not timed. In 2017 ‘Expected’ was 36/70 In 2017 ‘Greater Depth’ 56/70
Examples of Grammar Questions
Spelling Test Twenty sentences read aloud Children have text with a gap for the missing word Fill in the word Test is not timed (Mr Davy and Mr O’Dubhain will moderate their accents!!!!)
Reading Test of comprehension lasting 1 hour 50 marks in total 3 texts of increasing complexity Text types vary – stories, non-fiction reports, poetry, older fiction (e.g. ‘White Fang’) Literal, inference and evaluative questioning. Word meanings. Children should read a text, then answer the questions on it before tackling the next text In 2017 ‘Expected’ – 26/50 In 2017 ‘Greater Depth’ – 39/50
Maths - Arithmetic Paper Paper 1 – Arithmetic – 40 marks. 30 minutes. Tests consists of no contextualised questions Focuses on ‘number’- testing fluency in the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Addition, subtraction, division and multiplication of fractions is a large part of this paper Percentages e.g. 35% of 240 2 mark questions focus on long division and long multiplication.
Reasoning Papers 2 and 3 Paper 2 – Reasoning – 35 marks. 40 minutes. These papers test your child’s ability to reason and problem solve mathematically
Maths Marks from 3 papers are combined to give a raw score out of 110 In 2017 ‘Expected’ - 57/110 In 2017 ‘Greater Depth’ – 95/110
During SATS Week DON’T PANIC! It’s a rite of passage! Children have had lots of practice for ALL tests SATS Breakfast Club for all Y6 children All tests taken in the morning Test conditions Some children will qualify for extra time (25%) depending on their needs. Parents will be informed nearer the time. Scribes and prompts What if my child is ill?
What happens after SATS week? Papers are sent off to be marked externally Results come back into school in July Teachers check for anomalies, borderlines etc. Results reported to parents in at a Parent Consultation Results will be reported as ‘Working Towards’, ‘Expected Level’ or ‘Greater Depth’ Writing is reported as Teacher Assessment ONLY – no writing SATS
How can parents/carers help? Plenty of reassurance Plenty of sleep before and during SATS week! Support practice at home – e.g. TT Rocks Stars, past papers etc. Don’t book a holiday!!!!
Thank You If you have any questions please ask- we will be around after the session