Welcome to the Primary Schools Fairtrade Conference 2017 A special welcome to Isaac Baidoo our Fairtrade cocoa producer from Ghana
Ghanaian Greetings
Good morning Maa-che Response yemu Good afternoon Maa-ha Response yemu Good evening Maa-jo
Goodbye Nanti yie My name is……………….. Ye fre me …………………
Please Me pawocheo Thank you Meda ase
Divine Chocolate
My Divine Chocolate Poem Delicious, delightful taste, Invitingly draws me in, Virtually silky, smooth texture, Intensive, chocolatey smell, Now is your chance before Every piece goes.
What is Adinkra? Adinkra cloth is hand printed with symbols These represent aspects of knowledge, history, proverbs, beliefs and values of the Ashanti people in Ghana
What is Adinkra? Adinkra means ‘good-bye’ Traditionally Adinkra cloth was created to be worn toga – style at funerals The cloth was printed with values to represent the person who had died
Today, at our Fairtrade conference, we are going to select symbols from the ‘Divine’ chocolate wrapper that most reflect our own personality, beliefs and values – and then create a bookmark Adaptability Reconciliation and peace Creativity Perseverance
Choose 2 or 3 Adinkra symbols that most reflect you Dua Afe Life and beauty Akoma Patience and harmony
How can you promote Fairtrade in your school?
Do you use these at school? tea, coffee, chocolate, sugar, bananas, footballs, school uniforms? It’s time to put Fairtrade in your break.
So, what can you do? Tell everyone about Fairtrade in assembly Organise a Fairtrade cake sale Organise a Fairtrade coffee morning or tea afternoon for your parents Ask your teachers to use Fairtrade tea and coffee in the staff room Make & display posters about Fairtrade Talk to your family and friends
What else can you do? Ask your head teacher to sign up your school to become a Fairtrade school Ask local shops to sell Fairtrade products Ask local cafes and restaurants to serve Fairtrade products Is your local church or place of worship Fairtrade?
So, what will you do to promote Fairtrade in your school? Whatever you do please tell us at DDE. dde@globalcentredevon.org.uk