Mytholmroyd FAS Progress Update Slide 1: Mytholmroyd FAS Progress Update This picture and the next underpins the reason for undertaking the scheme. This is taken from Caldene Bridge showing the River Calder on Boxing Day 2015. This bridge is one of the main constrictions to flow in the village Calderdale Flood Partnership Board – 19th July 2019 Paul Swales FCRM Advisor
Overview Area I (Rochdale Canal works) Area L1 & L2 (Brearley and Luddendenfoot) – downstream mitigation Slide 2: Overview This scheme will reduce risk from River Calder, Cragg Brook, an ordinary watercourse, Rochdale Canal and surface water run-off The works involve channel widening (Area E and C), a new bridge and demolition of existing one, demolition of 10 properties (2 residential and 8 commercial), raised and/or strengthened flood walls, glass panelling, safety hand railing, a new footbridge (Area G), new surface water outfalls, canal works including a new overflow and property flood resilience
Area B – Greenhills Industrial Estate Slide 3: Area B – Greenhills Industrial Estate Planning permission has now been granted for Area B following objections from Network Rail Temporary scaffold is in place on left and right banks Commenced hand excavation works on left bank following the installation of a temporary fire escape Look ahead Excavate right bank and prepare concrete blinding for new walls Place pre-cast walls right bank Prepare concrete bases for downstream walls on left bank Commence removal of brickwork to corner of Lumalite building
Area C – St Michaels Church Slide 4: Area C – St Michaels Church Before
Area C – St Michaels Church Slide 5: Area C – St Michaels Church Spray concrete has been applied to the piles and stone cladding is nearing completion Removed existing wall at enterprise centre prior to re-build
Area C – St Michaels Church Slide 6: Area C – St Michaels Church Downstream of New Road bridge hard landscaping is all but complete – masonry and copings are complete, glass panels and flap valves installed and the majority of the area is open to the public
Area C – St Michaels Church Slide 7: Area C – St Michaels Church Look ahead Safety hand railing is being installed this week – left and right bank Hard landscaping to area of old toilet block has now commenced
Area C – St Michaels Church Slide 8: Area C – St Michaels Church Look ahead Hard landscaping to area of old toilet block has now commenced
Area C – d/s of St Michaels Church Slide 9: Area C – d/s of St Michaels Church Sheet piling and channel widening looking upstream – stone pitching will continue in the area Look ahead: works to start to rear of Burnley Road cottages, flood proofing properties up to flood defences level and installation of non-return valves
Area D – Cragg Brook/River Calder Confluence Slide 10: Area D – Cragg Brook/River Calder Confluence Before
Area D – Cragg Brook/River Calder Confluence Slide 11: Area D – Cragg Brook/River Calder Confluence This shows the new reinforced concrete wall with cladding where 18-22 New Road used to be. Temporary scaffold in place for raising floor levels of 14-16 New Road. Flood proofing works to rear of the Deli are progressing also. It is a slow job due to constrained access Final section of Streamside Fold has now commenced – 1 and 2 is underway. Rest of Streamside Fold is essentially complete, i.e. flood walls and copings. Garden reinstatement is ongoing Bridge End is complete including walls, masonry cladding and coping units. Glass panels are now installed.
Area E – Caldene Bridge Slide 12: Area E – Caldene Bridge Bridge deck steel reinforcement and mega trusses
Area E – Caldene Bridge Slide 13: Area E – Caldene Bridge Deck concrete pours completed. Strength for deck has been achieved so falsework stripping started. Mega trusses to be removed this week River Calder LB works upstream Caldene Bridge ongoing with precast unit install and masonry cladding to dry side progressing. Monday night closures have progressed with minimal incident. River Calder RB piling completed (excluding Calder Grove to Caldene Ave Bridge abutment) - three sections of capping beam concreted.
Area E – Caldene Bridge Slide 14: Area E – Caldene Bridge Crane in position on new bridge deck ready to remove falsework Continue to work with utility companies, CMBC and Fire Service with regards to diversion works. Temporary work in fire station forecourt starting next week – 8 weeks with diversion for traffic starting in mid-September
Area E – Caldene Bridge Slide 15: Area E – Caldene Bridge Mega Truss being removed
Area E – Caldene Bridge Slide 16: Area E – Caldene Bridge YW have installed 4 permanent diversion water mains through ducts in the deck. YW have completed the pipework and valve arrangements to two 100mm mains in Caldene Ave. YW have completed excavation for the twin 200 pipes to be extended into Caldene Ave. VBA removed temp works on Burnley Rd to facilitate YW pipeworks.
Area F – Upstream of Caldene Bridge Slide 17: Area F – Upstream of Caldene Bridge RB Caldene Ave gardens work nearing completion. Hard and soft reinstatements ongoing. LB Access to the working area has started from 10 June just downstream of Whitehouses. This working area may serve Burnley Road wall works as well. Knotweed spraying completed and hardstanding established.
Area F – Upstream of Caldene Bridge Slide 18: Area F – Upstream of Caldene Bridge Pre-cast wall units in position on Burnley Road
Area H – White Lee Clough Culvert Slide 19: Area H – White Lee Clough Culvert New headwall and trashscreen at culvert inlet has been installed The culvert overflow now has planning permission so Mabel St access has started this week with track matting – construct outlet chamber A significant obstruction has been removed from within the culvert – re-design not required
Area I1 - Mayroyd Slide 20: Area I1 - Mayroyd New wall is nearing completion to prevent the River Calder entering the Rochdale Canal. Works to start on earth embankment
Area G – Cragg Brook Area I3 – Brearley Canal Overflow Area K – Scarr Bottom Cottages Area L1 – Brearley Area L2 – Luddenden Foot Slide 21: Other elements of the scheme Area G – this is complete – small piece of landscaping to finish Area I3 – we have been delayed on this due to Vodafone diversion works but this has now commenced. Towpath diversion is required so need to apply for this (4 weeks) – likely not to start until mid-August at the earliest Area K – planning submission is on hold due to design issues. Options have now re-visited and discussed with CMBC planners last week. They have confirmed their position and next steps are to meet with affected resident to discuss options Area L1 – planning is still on hold due to requiring Listed Building Consent – designers are working on a heritage statement to be submitted alongside the planning application Area L2 – planning has now been granted. We are awaiting cost from VBA for a walled option to rear of Tillotson Holme bungalows.