Informal document GRSP-56-36


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Presentation transcript:

Informal document GRSP-56-36 (56th GRSP, 9-12 December 2014, agenda item 18) Hybrid III 5th percentile adult female performance requirements The thorax compression criterion (ThCC) shall not exceed 42 mm. As from 36 months after the official date of entry into force of this Regulation, Contracting Parties applying this Regulation shall grant ECE approvals only to those types of vehicle which comply with the requirements of a thorax compression criterion (ThCC) not exceeding 34(1) mm. (1) This value concerning only small female front passenger is subject to review if it turned out that it was counterproductive in terms of safety. Hybrid III 5th percentile adult female performance requirements The thorax compression criterion (ThCC) shall not exceed 42 mm. As from 36 months after the official date of entry into force of this Regulation, the requirements of the thorax compression criterion (ThCC) shall not exceed 34(1) mm. (1) This value concerning only small female front passenger is subject to review if it turned out that it was counterproductive in terms of safety. Hybrid III 5th percentile adult female performance requirements The thorax compression criterion (ThCC) shall not exceed 42(1) mm. (1) This value concerning only small female front passenger is subject to be review and decreased to 34 mm unless if it turned out that it shall be counterproductive in terms of safety.