What are the 5 properties of minerals? 1. naturally occuring 2. solid 3. inorganic (not living) 4. crystal 5. specific chemical composition
Define these mineral characteristics. Color: color! Streak color: a minerals color in powdered form Luster: how a mineral reflects light Hardness: how easily a mineral can be scratched
How is hardness measured? Scratch the mineral with objects of known hardness. Use the Mohs hardness scale to determine hardness number.
What is the difference between …? Rocks that cool above ground cool quickly and form small crystals. Rocks that cool below ground cool slowly and form large crystals.
What are the three types of rock? Sedimentary Igneous Metamorphic
How do they form? Sedimentary: sediment is eroded, deposited, compacted and cemented. Igneous: lava or magma cools and hardens. Metamorphic: another type of rock is put under extreme heat and pressure.
How do rocks change type? Sedimentaryor igneous rock is put under extreme heat and pressure to become metamorphic rock. Igneous or metamorphic rock is weathered and erdoed into sediment. Sediment is then deposited, compacted and cemented to become sedimentary rock. Sedimentary or metamorphic rock is melted into lava or magma and then cooled and hardened to become igneous rock.