Lithuanian Education System
Primary education curriculum Moral education Lithuanian language Foreign language compulsory from the 4th year (from schools may choose to offer early foreign language teaching starting from the second year; in 2006 a ministerial order approved An Implementation Programme of Compulsory Early Language Teaching according to which all pupils in their second year of primary education will learn a foreign language) Perception and understanding of the world Mathematics Arts and technologies Music Physical training
Lower secondary education Lower secondary curriculum from 5 to10 forms In lower secondary, youth schools, gymnasiums and vocational schools On completion of lower secondary programme the pupils may choose to take an external qualifying test of attainment in two subjects (mathematics and mother tongue)
Lower secondary curriculum moral education (religion or ethics) the Lithuanian language, native language (for national minorities), two foreign languages, mathematics Natural sciences (Nature and man in forms 5-6, biology and physics form 7, chemistry form 8) Computer science, History, civic education, geography, Arts, music, technologies Physical training
Upper secondary education On completion of lower secondary curriculum A two year curriculum for the forms Secondary schools, gymnasiums and vocational schools After completing secondary education curriculum secondary education level is attained
Reform in curricular diversification at upper secondary level as of the school year 2007/2008 curriculum is offered by way of individualized provision 60% of the curriculum is made up of the core curriculum compulsory to all pupils, while the rest pupils can choose of their own accord
Upper secondary education In the course of two years of upper secondary education students learn from 9 to 13 subjects; Students may choose to learn compulsary subjects either level B ( involves only basic knowledge of the subject) or level A (is oriented towards deeper and wider knowledge of the subject)
Upper secondary school-leaving examination national state examinations –pupils scripts are marked by external examiners –Normative assesment is used and results are ranked on point scale school-based examinations –pupils scripts are marked by the school teachers on the basis of criteria defined by an external body - the National Examination Centre (the scale is recorded on 10 point scale) both types of exams are set by an external body - the National Examination Centre the Lithuanian Language: one compulsory examination To get school leaving certificate 3 obligatory examinations should be taken Maximum number of examinations each student can take is 6