Railway Conference Pardubice 2nd Discussion Session: Fourth Railway Package, research and innovation in practice, interoperability, implementation of technical standards Pardubice – 11 April 2019 Mr Philippe Citroën UNIFE Director General
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UNIFE Expectations for the 4th Railway Package Technical Pillar Simplified Vehicle Authorisation Process Predictable Fees and Charges Reduction of National Rules Single One-Stop Shop Application Efficient Board of Appeal Simplified Vehicle Authorisation Process – single harmonised process for VA across Europe, with the correct tools to reduce the administrative burden and support economies of scale for manufacturers. This will be possible with clear concepts such as types, variants, versions and series or vehicles, pre-engagement with the authorising entity and stability of rules for railway products. The Regulation detailing the practical arrangement for vehicle authorisation under the 4th railway package was positively voted in Nov 2017. One-Stop Shop Application – single entry point for application for Vehicle authorisations and Single Safety Certificates by domestic and international to converge the process. Supported by the numerous registers currently in existence and under development (SRD, EVR etc). Predictable Fees and Charges – With the help of the Implementing Regulation voted January 2018, UNIFE expect the future to hold a predictable and consistent fees and charges structure for authorisations and certification – with a fixed fees structure introduced across Europe in the future. Predictability is the key request of the sector. Board of Appeal – another Implementing Regulation published for the establishment of a Board of Appeal to support the European Authorisation and Certification process, in case of disputes. Reduction of National Rules – Reduction of national rules to reduce the technical barriers and simplify the authorisation of vehicles for international operation – key obstacle in today’s process and key area where savings in time and cost is expected All vital for the competitiveness of the European Rail Supply Industry and development of the Single European Railway Area (SERA).
The Rail Industry: An industry committed to research & innovation The world leadership of the export-oriented rail industry is also due to its Research/Development/Innovation capacities. Innovation is in the DNA of the European rail supply industry, which currently invests 3.6% of its annual turnover in RDI and has developed innovations such as high-speed trains, ERTMS (European Rail Traffic Management Systems) and automated metro systems Shift2Rail: A public-private Joint Undertaking of €920 Million (50% financed by the EU, 50% financed by the European Rail Supply Industry) for the period 2014-2020 to increase attractiveness and competitiveness of rail transport Shift2Rail Members: EU Manufacturers, Railway Undertakings, academia and research institutes
On the way to Shift2Rail 2 - The UNIFE 9 Key Enablers Automated rail transport Mobility as a seamless service Digitalisation Towards an efficient Zero Emission Railway Maintenance of the future Enhancing the security and the protection of the rail system Optimized infrastructure Digitization of the supply chain (Industry 4.0) New certification framework
About ERTMS The European Railway Traffic Management System (ERTMS) is a major industrial project developed by the European industry in close cooperation with the European Union, railway stakeholders and the GSM-R industry ERTMS has two basic components: European Train Control System (ETCS) – and the GSM-R As a unique standard, ERTMS is designed to gradually replace the existing incompatible 20 train control systems across Europe, which made cross-border train movements extremely technically complex, administratively very time consuming and consequently non-competitive against other modes of transport, particularly road transport. Some figures: current worldwide ERTMS Investments Total track (km) contracted with ERTMS: over 90 000 51 countries are using ERTMS Total number of vehicles equipped with ERTMS : over 16 400 (source: UNIFE database)
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