Enrollment Counts.


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Presentation transcript:

Enrollment Counts

What are Enrollment Counts Enrollment counts are snapshots of the student enrollment and demographic information taken the first three weeks of school.  Enrollments counts are extremely important and are required for NDE program validation, allocations, and determining growth, etc.  The Nevada Department of Education will audit a certain percentage of WCSD schools to ensure quarterly reported enrollment numbers were accurate. If each of us does our part throughout the entire school year, we will not lose apportionment for reporting students incorrectly. 

Many staff members have key duties for enrollment counts Many staff members have key duties for enrollment counts. On the link below tasks are separated by suggested key personnel. The Principal may assign tasks differently.  NOTE: All of the requirements must be completed throughout the school year, not just for the enrollment counts. This is extremely important because the NDE is now conducting two audits, one in the Fall and one in the Spring. To find all the enclosed information on-line, go to: https://www.washoeschools.net/Page/11400 Or use the path: District Homepage>Departments>Student Accounting> Enrollment Counts (in the right margin).

Enrollment Count Dates   ENROLLMENT COUNT DATES All schools must email the completed worksheet to StudentAccounting@washoeschools.net no later than 12 p.m. with the exception of schools with PM PK, and TMCC HS. Email the worksheet as soon as it is completed. Enrollment Count Dates Balanced Calendar and TMCC HS Calendar Gerlach Calendar Incline Calendar and Capital Project Calendar Enrollment Count 1 Friday, August 16, 2019 Thursday, August 15, 2019 Friday, August 30, 2019 Enrollment Count 2 Friday, August 23, 2019 Thursday, August 22, 2019 If not balanced by Enrollment Count 1. Friday, September 6, 2019 If not balanced for Enrollment Count 2. Enrollment Count 3 Thursday, September 5, 2019   Student Accounting Enrollment Count Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Counselor Tasks Ensure all students are enrolled in the correct number of courses. All students must meet the academic load. Only delete a course that was input in error. You must input a schedule start date for students enrolling after the first day of school. A blank schedule start date defaults to the first day of school, which places the E on the Attendance Summary Reports on the incorrect date. Always input the correct start and end dates when making a schedule changes. Always use a school day in session. You must not use a weekend date, a holiday, or a snow day for schedule a start and end date.

Thank you Please contact your Student Accounting trouble shooter with questions: Elementary Schools: Cecilia Mansfield (775) 348-0306 Middle Schools: Shannon Yoelin (775) 348-0282 High Schools: Jeannine Bell (775) 348-0305