P RE - SCHOOL EDUCATION Provided to children between 1,5/2 to 5 years old Educated at nurseries, nursery-kindergartens, kindergartens, kindergarten-schools, other schools State, non-state pre-school educational institutions, kindergartens run by religious communities, kindergartens employing Montessoris Method, full-time and part-time kindergartens
P RE - PRIMARY EDUCATION One year program to 6 year old children Educated at kindergartens, primary schools and other schools
P RIMARY EDUCATION Provided to children 6-7years old The duration of the primary education curriculum is 4 years (Forms 1-4). A person gains primary education
P RIMARY EDUCATION CURRICULUM Moral education Lithuanian language Foreign language compulsory from the 2th year Perception and understanding of the world Mathematics Arts and technologies Music Physical training
L OWER SECONDARY EDUCATION ( BASIC EDUCATION ) Provided to children from 10/11 to 16 years old The duration of the lower (basic) education curriculum is 6 years (Forms 5-10 and 1-2 in gymnasiums). Educated at lower secondary(basic), youth schools, gymnasiums and vocational schools On completion of lower secondary programme the pupils may choose to take an external qualifying test of attainment in two subjects (mathematics and mother tongue)
L OWER SECONDARY CURRICULUM Moral education (religion or ethics) the Lithuanian language, native language (for national minorities), two foreign languages, Mathematics Natural sciences (Nature and man in forms 5-6, biology and physics in form 7, chemistry in form 8) Computer science, History, civic education, geography, Arts, music, technologies Physical training
U PPER SECONDARY EDUCATION A two year curriculum for the year old people (Forms and 3-4 in gymnasiums) Educated at secondary schools, gymnasiums and vocational schools After completing secondary education curriculum secondary education level is attained
U PPER SECONDARY EDUCATION In the course of two years of upper secondary education students learn from 9 to 13 subjects; Students may choose to learn compulsary subjects either level B ( involves only basic knowledge of the subject) or level A (is oriented towards deeper and wider knowledge of the subject)
U PPER SECONDARY SCHOOL - LEAVING EXAMINATION National state examinations pupils scripts are marked by external examiners Normative assesment is used and results are ranked on point scale School-based examinations pupils scripts are marked by the school teachers on the basis of criteria defined by an external body - the National Examination Centre (the scale is recorded on 10 point scale) both types of exams are set by an external body - the National Examination Centre the Lithuanian Language: one compulsory examination To get school leaving certificate 2 obligatory examinations should be taken Maximum number of examinations each student can take is 6
H IGHER EDUCATION STUDIES A college is a higher education institution in which study programmes are focused on practice. Duration of studies 3 years. Graduates get a diploma of non-university studies. A university is a higher education institution in which study programmes prevail. Duration of studies 3-5 years for Bachelors degree and years for Masters degree, 4 years for Doctors degree. Graduates get a diploma of university education.
E DUCATION Special education is intended to assist people with special needs in their development and help these people learn according their abilities. Non-formal education provides a possibility to test ones abilities in various fields (music, art, sports etc.). Adult education provides people with a possibility to get primary, lower secondary (basic), secondary education.
G OOD LUCK Taurage Lithuania