Aging in Place/ in Community Jess Luce Public Health, Program Manager Communities for a Lifetime Initiative 1-24-18 Dakota County Communities for a Lifetime Initiative, the County’s aging initiative, is working to encourage and create age-friendly communities…bringing together residents, business owners, local officials, and staff from community organizations, cities, and the county to create networks of vital, accessible communities.
What are Communities For a Lifetime? Good places to grow up and grow older A community planning framework, a philosophy of inclusiveness; plan for needs of older adults can benefit all age groups… (curb cuts) Healthy, active, successful residents yield economic & social benefits for whole community CFL resonates with more people; more people benefit! What are “Communities For a Lifetime?” Other names: -Communities for all ages, Elder-friendly communities, Healthy aging communities, Vital aging communities, Livable communities, Sustainable Communities for all ages Bullet #1: Basically…CFL are good places to grow up and grow older. Bullet #2: CFL is a community planning framework – a philosophy of inclusiveness that suggests that if you plan and build for an older population, you will create a community to serve all ages. Bullet #3: The premise is that healthy, active and successful residents yield economic and social benefits for the whole community…contribute more economically and volunteer hours. -CFL as a concept resonates with more people, other age groups, and especially Boomers, because more people benefit, not just the old.
What makes a Community for a Lifetime? Transportation options to help keep people mobile and independent Walkability: sidewalks and paths that are walkable for transport and exercise A full range of affordable housing options as needs change Accessible and quality services that support older adults and caregivers in home and community settings Flexible and supportive employment and volunteer opportunities, including intergenerational activities Effective technology to connect people and help with life’s activities Access to affordable healthcare and adequate caregiver supports
Dakota County: an aging County In 2010, 39,816 people were age 65 and older 2010 to 2020: people age 65 and older in Dakota County is projected to nearly double 2010 to 2030: people age 65 and older in Dakota County is projected to more than triple Source: Minnesota Department of Human Services -We are all well aware of the changing demographics, but maybe less aware of how the changes will impact your community and what some of the potential age-friendly solutions are… -Dakota C., like the rest of the country (and world), has a rapidly growing aging population!
More than 1 in 4 Dakota County residents will be 65+ by 2035 Currently about [15%]? of Dakota C. pop. is 65+ and will climb to 27% by 2035
What is Aging in Place? UD? Aging in Place (AIP) is the ability to live in one’s own home and community– wherever that might be- for as long as safely, confidently and comfortably possible. Livability may be enhanced and extended through the incorporation of services and features, such as universal design. Universal Design (UD) is the design of all products and environments to be as usable as possible by as many people as possible regardless of age, ability or situation without the need for adaption or specialized design. It is the idea of making things comfortable and convenient for as many different people at as many stages of life as possible. EXAMPLES of products?
We all want to Age in Place! Nearly 90% of people 65+ want to stay in their homes for as long as possible (AARP). 80% believe their current residence is where they will always live (AARP). For this to be a reality a lot has to change to our homes, services, and transportation options. -If cities want to keep their residents (and not loose them to other nearby cities), they will have to become more “Age-Friendly”—to meet the demands of their aging residents and the preferences of Millennials…now the largest age cohort. All of us can benefit from more walkable, bikeable communities that offer more transit options, more affordable housing options, more green space/parks, and opportunities to exercise and engage with their community… -As people age, these characteristics of a CFL become even more essential to living a vial, active, and healthy life. Life becomes more localized as we become less mobile!
Policy areas that impact Aging in Place/in Community: Land Use Housing Transportation 28-30% of Minnesota Boomers may not have sufficient resources to cover their “retirement” expenses…health care expenses. (This is a large portion of the population that is going to struggle financially and have to rely on family, friends, and government for assistance.) Boomers will have greater income disparity than past generations – some very wealthy and others at a very low income level. Boomers have very different expectations from their parents’ generation in terms of work, housing, activities, and the services they desire. (In short, they have higher expectations for services, programs, and a strong desire to do things differently! And they are less accepting of the status quo…)
Land Use Determines the use of our land; the space between uses Industrial era brought separation of uses; protection from hazards… Certain policies can help older adults live closer to services they need
Land Use, continued Integrating land use and transportation (Transit Oriented Development); some states require this. Implementing TOD within quarter or half mile of transit stops (12 states) Joint or multi-use facilities; community centers; health clinics in schools; preschools in assisted living/nursing homes
Transportation Increase mobility options to maintain independence Implementing Complete Streets design Older adults are more vulnerable in vehicle and pedestrian fatalities Increase mobility options to increase independence and reliance on personal automobile Implementing Complete Streets design in certain areas (downtowns, mixed use areas); all users can get where they want to go safely Older adults are more vulnerable in vehicle and pedestrian fatalities; must do more to protect older adults on the road, in the vehicle, and walking around
Transportation, continued Some states ensure access to services in rural areas (Idaho, Montana) With limited resources, we need better Human Service transportation coordination (in Dakota C., east/west travel; partner with Lyft) Support for volunteer driver programs; clarity on volunteer driver insurance coverage; confusion with rideshare; some states offer civil liability protections
Housing Create more affordable housing units, incentives/mandates (not just for older adults) Affordable housing options decrease institutionalization, including keeping people in their homes—often the cheapest! Federal Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program needs to be strengthened, fully funded; incentives for building near transit and livable communities
Housing, continued Encourage (or mandate?) developers to use “accessible” (residential) building standards (MN) Support neighborhoods with Naturally Occurring retirement Communities or Communities for a Lifetime
Mini-Conclusion Growing older adult pop. creating many challenges and opportunities for communities and governments. Need to change how communities are constructed, designed, how services are delivered. Older adults are going to find it increasingly difficult to Age in Place/Community, and the alternative (institutional care) is not a viable option for most people, personally and financially. Personal Responsibility! Some can choose where to live, find a better housing option, location, or increased services, transport, amenities.
Accessory Dwelling Unit Policy Complete Streets Policy Mixed-Use Land Policy Bike Walk Policy Age-Friendly Policies can help create a more age-friendly community. The Age-Friendly policies that we look at are: Accessory Dwelling Unit Policy, Complete Streets Policy, Mixed-Use Land Policy, Bike Walk Policy *If no policy, we try to give credit for what city does have! ADUs: Apple V, Eagan, IGH Complete Streets: Apple V, Eagan (resolution) Mixed Use: Apple V, WSP, Burnsville, MH, SSP Bike, Walk Policy/Plan: Apple V, SSP, WSP, Rosemount
Any Questions? Jess Luce 651-554-6104 Please advocate for Age-Friendly communities! Dakota County Public Health Department Communities for a Lifetime Initiative Jess Luce 651-554-6104