Busting the myths about practice based learning Natalie Beswetherick Director of Practice & Development June 7th 2017 SW Event Exeter Racecourse #prblcsp
A national campaign working to: build capacity for quality practice-based learning(PrBL) support growth of student numbers produce a graduate workforce that is able to: - meet changing population, patient & service needs - seize opportunities for leading & delivering new models of care & new roles emerging in practice
Information & resources available on the practice-based learning campaign page www.csp.org.uk/prbl include links to: Frontline articles on practice-based learning 10 key messages & myths about practice-based learning CSP education position statements on practice-based learning & other education-related topics Information about the expectations of the design, delivery & outcomes of physiotherapy pre-registration education Information about forthcoming practice-based learning webinars hosted by CSP’s Learning & Development team CSP’s Practice education guidance resource Information about social media events & link to campaign feed on Twitter www.csp.org.uk/prbl
myth-busting messages The campaign is underpinned by a set of myth-busting messages developed & tested with members from across the profession during 2016. CSP Council signed up to these messages at its meeting in September 2016. Key messages distil the expectations of pre-registration practice-based learning described by CSP Code, CSP Quality Assurance Standards & CSP Learning & Development principles, & are designed to stimulate critical conversations about practice based learning. Messages cover a wide range of themes/issues including: Our collective responsibility for PrBL Key role of PrBL in ensuring the profession can continue to 1. meet changing patient care needs; 2. lead & deliver new models of care; 3. seize opportunities for new roles Benefits of good quality practice-based learning to everyone involved, including services and patients PrBL can happen in any location or setting where physiotherapy services are delivered Taking opportunities to review models of supervision to optimise benefits (& manage risks) of PrBL Making the case for embedding capacity & resources for PrBL in service plans and contracts Need to adopt collaborative/collegial approaches to develop capacity for PrBL myth-busting messages
Critical reflection on practice All CSP members have a responsibility to engage in educating future members of the profession – regardless of grade, occupational role, or practice setting [expectation of CSP’s Code & Quality Assurance Standards] Practice-based learning can occur in any environment or setting in which physiotherapy is delivered [expectation of CSP’s Learning & Development principles] Key messages call on all CSP members to take responsibility for PrBL & create an opportunity to look beyond what is already offered to see learning opportunities in any setting where physiotherapy is delivered. I Imperative to expand our perspective of ‘what counts’ to ensure that we have capacity to meet current/future demand for placements, but more importantly that students gain experiences that enables the physiotherapy workforce to sustain its ability to respond to changing population, patient & service need. Contemporary physiotherapy operates in a context of uncertainty & change, competition, & ongoing pressure to do more for less (in education & health). This combination of factors risks undermining the capacity of the existing physiotherapy workforce to fulfil its responsibilities to offer quality PrBL while optimising opportunities to grow and diversify the profession.
Discussion prompts: What are the factors that influence our ability to fulfil our responsibility to offer quality PrBL? Who are the people/roles that influence our ability to offer quality PrBL opportunities (as individuals & as a collective body)? What additional information, guidance & support would help you make the case for growing capacity for PrBL in your practice? The discussion prompts are designed to promote critical reflection on the current situation (individual & collective) with a view to thinking about where support is needed to help members’ change practice Work to produce a CSP briefing on making the case for PrBL is about to start – so ideas to feed content of that briefing & volunteers to develop/test briefing as it’s drafted would be welcome (oweng@csp.org.uk)
PLI: are we seeing more claims of malpractice?
Space to complete an action postcard. What will you do?
Read the STP for your area www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-38838852
PLI: are we seeing more claims of malpractice? Natalie Beswetherick Director of Practice & Development
Findings from review of 15 years of claims notified 682 claims over 15 years (from 17 in 2001/02 to 66 in 2015/16 388% increase Mean of 66p.a since 2008/9 52% against males and 48% females
Categories of claims Negligent treatment (n=263) Mis-diagnosis (n=124) Negligent manual therapy (n=121) Negligent exercise therapy (n=56) Electrotherapy burns (n=55)
Mis-diagnosis category 30 undiagnosed fractures 30 not specified 10 Cauda Equina Syndrome 10 TA ruptures
Your PLI covers Medical Malpractice Insurance £7.5m All activities within scope of practice Where ever you work Public Liability Insurance £5m Non-personal injury claims eg slips, trips and falls and equipment failures
For more information: http://www. csp. org