Communicating: Alabama College and Career Ready Standards Alabama School Communicators Association Jessica Hammonds, Executive Director
“It’s time that we as education communicators take back the narrative about what is happening inside Alabama’s classrooms and help separate and lift – up fact over fiction.” – Team GRIT
What Is alabama grit – graduate ready. Impact tomorrow?
What is alabama grit Graduate Ready. Impact Tomorrow. : Alabama GRIT is a team of Alabama parents, educators, business leaders, military personnel, and other civic leaders who work together to ensure all of Alabama’s children have an opportunity to graduate from any of Alabama’s schools prepared for REAL LIFE– whether they are beginning college or a career.
Who are the founding members of Alabama GRIT? A+ Education Partnership Alabama Council of Teachers of Mathematics School Superintendents of Alabama Alabama ASCD VOICES for Alabama’s Children Alabama Association of School Boards Montgomery Education Foundation Alabama Mathematics, Science, Technology Education Coalition (AMSTEC) Alabama National Board Certified Teachers Network Alabama PTA Alabama State Department of Education Mobile Area Education Foundation Birmingham Business Alliance Military Child Education Coalition Black Belt Education Coalition Huntsville Council of PTAs Business Council of Alabama Council for Leaders in Alabama Schools Greater Birmingham Math Initiative Huntsville Area Schools Foundation Huntsville/Madison County Chamber of Commerce
What does alabama grit do? WE ADVOCATE for higher academic standards. WE PROMOTE policies and efforts that build on the gains our students are making. WE FOSTER honest community conversations about what we want Alabama students to achieve. LIFTING UP REAL VOICES we are a window into what is really taking place inside Alabama’s classrooms
What we have learned about college and career ready standards/Common core in alabama? Knowing some history Highlights from polling Highlights from focus groups
college and career ready standards-common core in Alabama The Common Core State Standards is a states-based effort to raise academic expectations and classroom achievement nationwide. In Alabama, we created our own standards based on the Common Core State Standards, called the Alabama College and Career Ready Standards.
college and career ready standards-common core in Alabama Where did the Common Core come from? The Common Core State Standards were developed by the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and the Council of Chief State School Officers. Alabama’s leaders participate in both organizations.
Highlights from polling & focus groups that can help us develop messaging 1.) Most people have never heard of Common Core/College and Career Ready Standards. 2.) Most people (both Republican and Democrats) support the idea behind Common Core-less rote memorization and teaching to a test, and more reliance on real learning for real life. 3.) The mention of “Washington” or “Obama” is enough to cause the needle to move significantly.
Highlights from polling & focus groups that can help us develop messaging People want to hear from TEACHERS, PRINCIPALS and LOCAL BUSINESS LEADERS
Now…what do we do with the information we have as communicators? We need to tell “our story” with proactive messaging – Real Learning for Real Life Communicate honestly Engage our community Focus our work on lifting-up real stories of student and teaching achievement; crediting College and Career Ready Standards – Common Core – for success.
What is alabama Grit going to do? Fill the void of information about College and Career Ready Standards – Common Core. Op-Eds Letters to the Editor Blogs Newsletters Social Media Provide fact-based information about CCSS on Facebook and Twitter using the hashtag, #reallearning Post stories of student achievement Post stories of teachers going above and beyond Share news stories relevant to the work the coalition is doing Events Recruiting speakers/writers
How alabama grit can help you? Provide resources: Myths vs Facts Fact sheets Brochures Stickers/Pins Videos Took kits (parents, teachers, businesses) Suggested Messaging for different audiences Pledge Forms for events What is CCSS in Alabama cards Templates Suggested speakers for events/forums/conferences
GOT GRIT? THEN sign the pledge
Other resources
Where you can find alabama grit – Graduate Ready. Impact Tomorrow Learn more on our website and sign the pledge: Twitter: @AlabamaGRIT #reallearning Facebook: Address: P.O. Box 804, Montgomery, Alabama 36101 Email: Phone: 334-430-5401