Physics Update P. Emma FAC Meeting October 27, 2005 LCLS
No New Physics Surprises 1999: Surface roughness wakefield 2001: CSR micro-bunching instability 2002: Space-charge enhanced micro- bunching instability 2004: AC resistive-wall undulator wake 2005: no new set-backs? We must be too busy with construction? Thanks for past help from: K. Bane, Z. Huang, G. Stupakov, and Saldin, Schneidmiller, Yurkov
Normal Incidence Laser on Cathode Advantages No lossy, pulse distorting grating Non-dispersed beam – less $ Mirror change without gun vent Optics allows continuous variation of cathode beam size Disadvantages Mirror wakefield (solved) Mirror requires space (solved) e- beam laser beam previous grazing incidence Dowell, Gilevich, Limborg, White
Electron Trajectory Jitter Trajectory amplitude w.r.t. beam size Total amplitude2 for N uncorrelated kicks, <10% tolerance sensitivity Form budget with a few discreet tolerance levels, opening challenging tolerances but holding tight on more standard ones
Trajectory Stability – Sources of Jitter (f > 10 Hz) Expected Sources of Transverse Jitter Steering coil current regulation (120 x, 121 y) Bend magnet trim coil current reg. (13 x & 2 y) Misaligned quads/sol’s + current reg. (148 mag’s) Quad/solenoid mech. vibration (148 mag’s) CSR kicks with bunch length jitter (BC2, x only) Transverse wakes and charge jitter (X-band RF) Drive laser pointing stability
Trajectory Stability – Tol’s & Expectations System Stability Requirements at f > 10 Hz Steering coils (30-100 ppM 6% of beam size) Trim coils (30-100 ppM 2%) Misaligned quads (D 200 mm: 25-100 ppM 6%) Quad/solenoid vibration (0.05-1 mm required 10%) CSR kicks (1 nC, Dsz/sz 10%: ~20%, x-only) Wakes (D 200 mm, DN/N 2% 2%) Drive laser pointing ( ~1%) 0.2 nC is more stable
Quadrupole Magnet Vibration Existing Linac ‘QE’ Quadrupole Magnets R. Stege, J. Turner, 1994 rubber boot on water pump 12 quads need rms 500 nm (most new injector quads) 101 magnets need rms 100 nm (existing linac quads) 35 quads need rms 50 nm (mostly new LTU quads)
CSR-Induced x-Trajectory Jitter 10% bunch length jitter 16% ‘core’ trajectory jitter 1-nC 22 mm 20 mm 18 mm core
Trajectory Feedback at Undulator Start undulator starts at Z = 0 5-mm BPM resolution of final 10 BPMs gives centroid stabilization to 5% of rms beam size at: f < 10 Hz (120 Hz rate)
Quad. Power Supply Regulation (Long-Term) Dz < 0.02 over all random quadrupole errors |Dk/k| = 1% to 0.01% rms over 24 hrs+ |Dk/k|
Magnet Polarities/Labeling Defined MMF will measure magnets and clearly label polarities
Commissioning – Tune-up ‘Stoppers’ Full set of beam diagnostics at each tune-up point 6 MeV Jan. through July ’07 135 MeV 250 MeV 4.3 GeV 13.6 GeV rf gun L0 TCAV0 TCAV3 e BC1 BC2 …linac L1 X L2 L3 undulator abort SLAC linac tunnel research yard
Commissioning Plans for each System
LCLS Feedback Performance (use CSR P/P) feedback off DIpk/Ipk0 (%) feedback on J. Wu at undulator entrance
CSR as Relative Bunch Length Monitor Red curve: Gaussian Black curve: Uniform Red dots: ‘Real’ J. Wu CSR detector is critical to LCLS stability (UCLA)
Relaxed Undulator Tolerances Full undulator error budget 0.5°C 1°F (H.-D. Nuhn) Beam-Finder Wire (BFW) to locate upstream end (D. Walters) Alignment drift tolerances loosened Correction strategy with target time-scales (FAC suggestion)
Undulator Alignment Drift – Long Term (24 hrs) 10 mm quad and BPM drift After beam-based alignment MICADO steering applied Tolerance set at 5 mm alignment drift over 24 hrs
Kem’s Correction Zones* Zone 1 (non-invasive correction) 120-Hz traj-feedback (LTU BPM’s) 0.1-Hz traj-feedback (und. BPM’s) Zone 2 (Dt > 1 hr, P/P0 > 90%, non-invasive) MICADO steering within undulator Zone 3 (Dt > 24 hr, P/P0 > 75%, invasive) Weighted steering of undulator traj. (1 min.) ... or quadrupole gradient scans - fast BBA (10 min.) Possible x-ray pointing (few min.) Zone 4 (Dt > 1 wk, P/P0 < 50%, machine time) One iteration of BBA (<1 hr) Zone 5 (Dt > 6 mo, shut-down) Tunnel survey with all movers set to zero (1 wk) Full 3 iterations of BBA (~3 hrs) * FAC suggestion, April ‘05
1-Å with Optical Klystron Enhancement Future? K = 2.7 E = 13.6 GeV ge = 1.2 mm Ipk = 3.4 kA b = 30 m sE/E = 0.005% Laser-Heater 1/2 -bunching issue? Shim gap Dg = 2 mm SASE sim. ~longer Lsat 4 “OK” chicanes (long breaks) Yuantao Ding, Zhirong Huang
Summary Electron beam commissioning through BC1 starts Dec. ’06 ! Normal incidence simplifies drive laser (Gilevich) Trajectory stability expectations: 24% x & 14% y Quadrupole current regulation specified Magnet polarities defined Commissioning plans formed Feedback systems require CSR monitor (UCLA) Relaxed undulator tolerances (Milton, Nuhn) 1-Å future operation with “OK”? Electron beam commissioning through BC1 starts Dec. ’06 !