Baseline sex differences in spontaneous excitatory activity. Baseline sex differences in spontaneous excitatory activity. A, Female rats exhibited significantly lower amplitude of sEPSCs when compared to male rats; but B shows there were no significant differences in the frequency of sEPSCs between males or females and self-administered METH or saline. C–F, Representative traces of sEPSCs in saline females (SAL F), saline males (SAL M), METH females, and METH male rats. G, Female rats had a significantly faster rise of sEPSCs relative to males and (H) female rats exhibited a significant faster decay of sEPSCs. I, Relative to males, female rats had a significant decrease in the AUC of sEPSCs. J, Representative traces illustrating sex differences in kinetics of sEPSCs. The numbers in the bars represent the number of rats/number of cells. Jose Ignacio Pena-Bravo et al. eNeuro 2019;6:ENEURO.0401-18.2018 ©2019 by Society for Neuroscience