2nd TERANET 2011 International Workshop co-located with DISC 2011 Sapienza Università di Roma Rome, Italy September 19, 2011
Workshop Material Workshop leaflet Link: <https://www-sop.inria.fr/mascotte/EULER/wiki/pmwiki.php/ Events/TERANET2011?action=file&upname=TERANET2011/TERANET2011_Workshop_Leaflet.pdf> Workshop booklet (distributed on-site) Presentation material available at Link: <https://www-sop.inria.fr/mascotte/EULER/wiki/pmwiki.php/ Events/TERANET2011> 07/09/2019 Presentation Title:
Workshop Program (1) Introduction by Workshop Chairs Session 1: Network dynamics modeling (9h15 - 12h45) Complex Networks Dynamics Modeling - Entropy of Network Ensembles Ginestra Bianconi, Department of Physics, Northeastern University, Boston (MA), USA. The Hidden Hyperbolic Structure of the Internet Marian Boguna, Department of Fundamental Physics, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. Greedy Forwarding in the Internet using its Metric Structure Fragkiskos Papadopoulos, Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Cyprus University of Technology, Lemesos, Cyprus Lunch Break 07/09/2019 Presentation Title:
Workshop Program (2) Session 2: Distributed routing schemes & algorithmics (14h15 - 17h45) A survey on distance oracles Liam Roditty, Computer Science Department, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel. Analyzing search algorithms in small worlds Nicolas Schabanel, Laboratoire d'Informatique Algorithmique: Fondements et Applications (LIAFA), Univ. Paris Diderot - Paris VII and Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Paris, France. Optimization-driven evolution of networks Sergey Dorogovtsev, University of Aveiro, Portugal and Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia. Concluding talk 07/09/2019 Presentation Title:
Open Problems/Questions How complex is a complex network ? Complex networks usually characterized by their non trivial structure (e.g. degree distr., clustering coeff., degree-degree correlations) but which are not able to quantify the information content of these features ? Quantify significance of structural properties by entropy measures (Shannon, von Neumann, Gibbs) of network ensembles Weighted model (link weights, node strength) towards a combination of Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac distribution (connection probability function, strength-degree/structural correlation, etc.) -> unified model ? Greedy routing: hyperbolic coordinates of destinations are known but a mapping function is required to translate destination name or address to coordinates 07/09/2019 Presentation Title:
Open Problems/Questions Can each physical node compute its coordinates by means of distributed procedures by means of local knowledge of the topology (without relying on global structure covering the entire topology) ? Note: in particular, topology modeling is based on AS's (abstract node) but coordinates are required at physical node level How to ensure that the precision of the resulting embedding is satisfactory and able to cope with topology (longer term) evolution ? 07/09/2019 Presentation Title:
Open Problems/Questions Small World algorithmic Conjecture: the shortest expected length attainable by an algorithm bounded to visit at most O(log2n) -as the greedy algorithm visits (log2+e n) nodes- has to be (log n (log (log n))2) for d = 1 and (log n (log (log n))) for d 2 Note: obtaining such a result would required a much finer analysis of the geometry of Kleinberg's network Sociological implications Designing convincing dynamical models to explain the rise of "Kleinberg-like structures'' in real networks is still an important direction for research in the area. try to use metric theory to isolate what could be candidate for long-range links in real-life networks 07/09/2019 Presentation Title:
Open Problems/Questions Distance oracles A linear time algorithm for constructing distance oracles? Understanding the general tradeoff (upper and lower bounds) (2,1)-stretch routing scheme with routing tables of size n⅔ Can we have distance oracles for restricted families of directed graphs? 07/09/2019 Presentation Title:
TERANET 2012 Third edition of the TERANET International workshop will consist of invited speakers and peer-reviewed papers (proportion 50%-50%) Discussions ongoing for the selection of the associated conference, colloquium or symposium (the objective is to reach the largest community as possible) 07/09/2019 Presentation Title: