Year 2 Autumn Term Week 9 Lesson 1 Addition and Subtraction Year 2 Autumn Term Week 9 Lesson 1
Today we will be learning to: complete adding and subtracting problems add several numbers understand that adding but not subtracting can be done in any order.
What’s my number operation? Mental Activity What’s my number operation? One child wears a headband. The teacher will add a number onto your headband. Your teacher will give the class a number to apply. What was the number on the headband?
Today we are going to work on calculations involving three numbers. Main Activity Today we are going to work on calculations involving three numbers.
6 3 2 Make a number sentence. You can add subtract add and subtract.
How did you work out your answers? Were all the answers bigger than 0? 6 3 2 How did you work out your answers? Were all the answers bigger than 0? Why not?
Practise adding and subtracting by making number sentences. Group Work Practise adding and subtracting by making number sentences.