PVPUSD Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) Parent Information Presentation November 7, 2018
PVPUSD GATE Plan 2018-2021 The purpose of the GATE Plan is to identify PVPUSD students with exceptional abilities, to foster individual competence to develop and express abilities and talents fully, and to support the instructional program by providing differentiated learning experiences within the classroom through a variety of instructional strategies and opportunities. Collaboration with like peers Independent learning Extended-learning activities Project-based learning Acceleration opportunities Leadership opportunities Counseling support
Goals and Essential Components GATE Identification Identify students by the start of 4th grade followed by an additional opportunity for identification in 6th grade GOAL # 2 Professional Development Teacher training and support to meet the academic and social-emotional needs of high-achieving students GOAL # 3 Curriculum and Instruction Provide differentiated instruction and curriculum throughout the school day GOAL # 4 Counseling Support Provide counseling and scheduling support to address the needs of identified GATE and other high-achieving students GOAL # 5 Students Enrichment Opportunities Provide opportunities to foster academic interaction with peers GOAL # 6 Community Involvement Engage the community in supporting and enhancing the GATE program goals GOAL # 7 Program Evaluation Annually review and evaluate the effectiveness of the GATE plan and revise accordingly
PVPUSD GATE Plan WHAT IT IS: WHAT IT IS NOT: Identification process Recognition of unique abilities and talents Support and encouragement to participate in academic and social opportunities Professional development and support for teachers Parent support and education Segregated classes A requirement for participation in Accelerated, Honors or AP classes Access to ‘special’ programs Does not influence access to programs , courses, or the scheduling process
Site-based GATE Coaches LB: Anne Eggers Goggin MM: Steve Wells DG: Stephanie O’Brien CS: Stacy Upton VG: Lisa Mack MC: Jenna Bucklew RV: Leisa Irvine Sol: Shannon Bogart SS: Jasmine Arjasbi PtV: Megan Kennedy MIS: Janine McKenna PVIS: Olivia Waikida RIS: Nicole Kraake The GATE coach is a certificated general education teacher at the site who is available to provide academic resources, lesson planning guidance, differentiation strategies, and other supports to the classroom teacher to enhance the classroom experience for the GATE student. The role of the GATE Coach is aligned to the Goals identified in the GATE Plan: Provide teachers with training and support to meet the academic, as well as social-emotional needs of high-ability students. Provide opportunities for academic interaction with like peers for all GATE- identified and high-ability students. Engage the community in supporting and enhancing the GATE program goals and further support.
GATE Enrichment Opportunities Offered after school through the PVPUSD Enrichment Program Be on the look out for an email with registration information a few weeks prior to start dates.
How Does the Implementation of the State Standards Support the GATE Student? The California State Standards use educational concepts that have been the focus of gifted education for many years. These concepts stress rigor, depth, complexity, relevance, and deeper understanding. PVPUSD is focused on continuing to identify and implement effective strategies to meet the needs of a wide variety of learners (differentiation/universal design for learning) and create the mindset and metacognition to meet any challenge. Our goal is to implement the standards in ways that respond to the gifted learners’ pace and desired depth of learning.
How Can Parents Support the GATE Student at Home? Recognize and build on the strengths and talents you witness in your children. Encourage your children’s curiosity and creativity. Help your children find activities they love. Give your children opportunities to take healthy risks as they explore the wonder around them. When your child has mastered one activity, present an opportunity for new challenges. Educate yourself about gifted children (handout).
Advisory Meeting Dates All meetings are at PVPUSD District Offices at Malaga Cove Community Room: 3:30—4:30pm Kelli Keller—kellerk@pvpusd.net September 26, 2018 January 16, 2019 April 24, 2019 Topics include: Current Topics in Education Sharing of District and Site Activities Resources for Parents Reflection and Share-Out
Additional Information and Resources National Association for Gifted Children 1707 L St., NW, Suite 550 Washington, DC 20036 Phone: 202 785 4268 Email: nagc@nagc.org Web: www.nagc.org Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted P.O. Box 488 Poughquag, NY 12570 Phone: 845 226 4660 Email: office@sengifted.org Web: www.sengifted.org
Parent Speaker Series