7 Tests
Use this Master Student Map to ask yourself, WHY? To change how you feel about and perform on tests WHAT? Power Process: Detach Disarm Tests Before the Test Predicting Test Questions During the Test Words to watch for in essay questions The Test isn’t Over Until... Let Go of Test Anxiety Getting ready for math tests Master Student Profile: Al Gore HOW? to predict test questions and use study time more effectively to harness the power of studying with other people to gain strategies for raising scores on tests to separate your self-image from your test scores WHAT IF? ...you could let go of anxiety about tests -- or anything else?
Detach Release the powerful, natural learner inside you Attachments are addictions. When you notice strong motions ...it may be time to detach. How? 1. Notice your thoughts and physical sensations. 2. Practice relaxation. 3. Practice seeing events in a broader perspective. CAUTION: Giving up an attachment doesn’t mean giving up on the goal.
Disarm Tests Keep test grades in perspective. Grades are not a measure of intelligence or creativity. Grades do not measure our ability to contribute to society. Grades do not measure self worth. Grades are simply a measure of how well we do on tests.
WHAT TO DO Before the test Video: In Show Mode click image above
Ways to Predict Test Questions Ask about the test Put yourself in instructor’s shoes Look for clues in notes and readings Look for clues in class Save all class materials Apply your predictions Watch for “This will be on the test.”
What to do during the test Video: In Show Mode click image above
Words to watch for in essay questions Describe is not the same as list Compare is not the same as contrast Criticize is not the same as explain Analyze, compare, contrast, criticize, define, describe, diagram, discuss, enumerate, evaluate, explain, illustrate, interpret, list, outline, prove, relate, state, summarize, trace are key words that call for specific responses!!
The test isn’t over UNTIL… You’re not done yet!!! Look at items you missed: Where did the teacher get the question(s)? What types of questions were asked? What types of questions did I miss? Did you really study or are you faking it (daily/weekly/major review time)? How can you better prepare for the next test (more study time, use study tools, etc.)?
Let go of test anxiety Yell “Stop!” Describe thoughts in writing Dispute your thoughts Praise yourself Consider the worst Breathe Scan your body Use guided imagery Exercise aerobically Practice defusing
Getting ready for math tests Overcome Anxiety Connect math to life Take a first step Notice your pictures Change your conversation Choose your response to stress 11
Getting ready for math tests Boost Study Skills Choose teachers with care Take math back to back Avoid short courses Form a study group Make your text top priority Do homework consistently Take notes that promote success Participate in class Ask questions fearlessly Read actively 12
Getting ready for math tests Use Tests to Show What You Know Practice problem solving Practice test taking Ask appropriate questions Write legibly Do your best 13