Table 1. Characterization Result of Leaded Petrol and Blends Sample Density at 29oC Kg/m3 Octane No. Flash Point oC Calorific Value (MJ/Kg) Leaded Petrol 746.70 93.20 -65 44.30 5/95 747.10 95.10 -54 43.80 10/90 748.20 97.20 -40 41.80 15/85 752.00 98.60 -36 41.20 20/80 761.30 100.40 -20 38.10 .30/70 775.60 102.70 -15 37.70 40/60 780.20 106.30 -13.5 37.40 J.O Azubuike et al. Performance Evaluation of Spark Ignition Engine at Constant Load Using Ethanol as Doping Agent. American Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2015, Vol. 3, No. 4, 122-125. doi:10.12691/ajme-3-4-3 © The Author(s) 2015. Published by Science and Education Publishing.