Slaves and The American Revolution
Causes of Revolution Great Britain faced huge war debt after French and Indian war Heavy taxes placed on colonists Idea of Mercantilism exploited colonists Raw materials (cotton, lumber, tobacco) were shipped to Britain Raw materials processed into finished products and sold Limits of trading placed on colonies To prevent further fighting with Natives, colonists prohibited from settling west of Appalachian Mts. (Proclamation of 1763)
By suggesting that the Revolution was a war over slavery, Dunmore alienated many neutrals and even some loyalists. 4th Connecticut Regiment, All black regiment served as substitutes for their masters 1st Rhode Island Regiment formed by Washington Some 5,000 free blacks and slaves served in the Continental Army and some 20,00 served in British Army
Battles free blacks and slaves served in the Continental army during the Revolution. Bunker Hill Fort Ticonderoga Lexington By 1778, many states, including Virginia, granted freedom to slaves (manumitted) who served in the Revolutionary war others ran away Great Britain’s Lord Dunmore promised to free those slaves who fought for them and protection was even offered-created Ethiopia’s Regiment
Why did slavery continue? Hypothesis • Southern owners viewed slavery as property no as human beings • Southerners believed it was supported by the Bible • Racism was deeply rooted in early American culture • People believed the Revolution secured the liberty to use property as one wished the institution of slavery benefited the American economy • the Union couldn’t have been formed without Southern support • Northerners didn’t view blacks as equal or human • Slavery wasn’t seen as morally wrong practice • Society believed slavery was a moral responsibility of the white American • The founders feared abolition would hinder the foundation of a unified nation