Patrick POIRRET Stéphane LORENZI Francis BAHANS Procureur de la République Adjoint près le Tribunal de Grande Instance de Bobigny Stéphane LORENZI Magistrate à l’Administration Centrale du Ministère de la justice Service de l’Accès au Droit et à la Justice et à l’Aide aux Victimes (SADJAV) Véronique DANDONNEAU Chargée de Projets – Juriste – Citoyens et Justice Francis BAHANS Directeur Général Adjoint - Citoyens et Justice European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom and Security Fédération des associations socio-judiciaires
Fédération des associations socio-judiciaires L’essor de la justice restaurative en France Restorative justice development in France II. Le principe d’opportunité des poursuites The principle of public prosecution opportunity III. Apport du secteur associatif / Justice Restaurative The NGO contribution to Restorative Justice IV. Le contexte politique et judiciaire actuel The current political and judiciary context V. Le développement de la prise en compte des victimes The victims support development Les perspectives The prospects European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom and Security Fédération des associations socio-judiciaires
I. Restorative justice development in France 1. La médiation pénale Victim Offender Mediation (VOM) 2. La réparation pénale des mineurs Juvenile penal mediation 3. La recherche Research European project "VOM at the post sentence stage“, Paris, 26th and 27th november 2009
I. Restorative justice development in France Victim Offender Mediation Before the 1993 Law : The conceptual references Valence VOM combined with « Contrôle Judicaire socio- éducatif” (CJSE) European project "VOM at the post sentence stage“, Paris, 26th and 27th november 2009
I. VICTIM OFFENDER MEDIATION DEVELOPMENT IN FRANCE Victim Offender Mediation (continued) Evolution of legal texts : 1988 Circular 2nd October 1992 note 4th November 1992 Decree 4th January 1993 Law : legislative consecration 23rd June1999 : The VOM amongst alternatives to public prosecution 15th September 1999 European recommandation 9th March 2004 Law: the Prosecutor’s mediator European project "VOM at the post sentence stage“, Paris, 26th and 27th november 2009
I. L VICTIM OFFENDER MEDIATION DEVELOPMENT IN FRANCE 2. Juvenile penal reparation Experimental phase before 1993 The 1993 Law Penal Reparation and Restorative justice European project "VOM at the post sentence stage“, Paris, 26th and 27th november 2009
I. VICTIM OFFENDER MEDIATION DEVELOPMENT IN FRANCE 3. The Research Innovation in practice Practice supported by academic research Jacques FAGET, Philip MILBURN, Robert CARIO, Maryse VAILLANT etc… European project "VOM at the post sentence stage“, Paris, 26th and 27th november 2009
II. The principle of public prosecution opportunity The principle of public prosecution opportunity compared to the legal prosecution principle The three possible ways of penal orientation Choosing VOM European project "VOM at the post sentence stage“, Paris, 26th and 27th november 2009
III. The NGO CONTRIBUTION TO RESTORATIVE JUSTICE The NGOs and the French social sector 2. The VOM supported by the NGOs 3. The NGOs and Juvenile penal reparation European project "VOM at the post sentence stage“, Paris, 26th and 27th november 2009
III. The NGO contribution to Restorative Justice 1. The NGOs and the French social sector French and European NGOs Religious, non-religious, militant, civic basis NGOs and democracy NGOs and Justice Civil Justice Penal Justice for minors Citoyens & Justice as from 1982 European project "VOM at the post sentence stage“, Paris, 26th and 27th november 2009
III. The NGO CONTRIBUTION TO RESTORATIVE JUSTICE 2. The VOM supported by the NGOs Ethical identification and its application NGO empowered by the court Mediator nominated by a NGO Necessity for the mediators professional qualifications Fairness and independence of Mediators VOM meetings Restoring link or compensating 3. The NGOs and the juvenile penal reparation European project "VOM at the post sentence stage“, Paris, 26th and 27th november 2009
IV. THE CURRENT POLITICAL AND JUDICIARY CONTEXT The law Society request The debate on public security Zero tolerance 2. A changing judiciary system The increasing power of the prosecutor Better quality in penal solutions The increase in the number of penal solutions The ratio VOM and Juvenile penal reparation Discrepancy in penal policies European project "VOM at the post sentence stage“, Paris, 26th and 27th november 2009
Juvenile penal reparation Penal tendancies in 2008 Pursuable cases 1 500 000 100 % Shelved 220 000 Penal solutions 1 280 000 Alternatives to public prosecution 544 000 (36,26 %) Prosecutions 736 000 Restorative justice (3,56 %) Others alternatives to public prosecution 490 500 32, 70 % Juvenile penal reparation 9 000 0,60 % VOM 44 500 2,96 % NGO 28 500 1,90 % Independant persons (Non NGO) 16 000 1,06 % La médiation pénale dans la phase post sententielle, Paris, 26 et 27 novembre 2009
V. The victims support development Emergence of victims Aid for victims and NGOs for victims The current stakes European project "VOM at the post sentence stage“, Paris, 26th and 27th november 2009
Restorative justice suspended ? VI. THE PROSPECTS Restorative justice suspended ? Lack of background for transaction Domination by the principle of punishment Development of negociated justice … with the prosecution VOM: Heterogeneous system increase in temporary assistants A guide or a referential to be imposed Training to be compulsory Building an evaluation procedure The case of wife-beating European project "VOM at the post sentence stage“, Paris, 26th and 27th november 2009
Fédération des associations socio-judiciaires VI. THE PROSPECTS 2. Open new ways The VOM in post sentencial stage You are the future European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom and Security Fédération des associations socio-judiciaires European project "VOM at the post sentence stage“, Paris, 26th and 27th november 2009