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Presentation transcript:


FALCONS HAVE HEART H onor E xpectations A ttitude R espect T eamwork

Voice Levels   Level 0= Silence   Level 1= Whisper   Level 2 = Face to Face   Level 3= Group Work   Level 4 = Cheering

Classroom Expectations H HONOR: Complete your own work. E EXPECTATIONS: Arrive on time. Be prepared. Give 110 percent. Use appropriate voice level. A ATTITUDE: Be positive. R RESPECT: Sit quietly and listen attentively. Be polite. Get permission when needed. T TEAMWORK: Be supportive and help others.

Cafeteria Expectations H HONOR: Be trustworthy. E EXPECTATIONS: Voice level 0 (No Talking) while walking to the cafeteria. Voice level 2 (Face to Face) while in the cafeteria. Voice level 0 (No Talking) while returning to class. A ATTITUDE: Be courteous. Be positive. R RESPECT: Keep hands, feet, and objects to self. Keep your place in line. Sit at your assigned table/area. Food and drink must remain in the cafeteria. T TEAMWORK: Follow directions for emptying trays and cleaning areas. Pick up trash, food, or paper in area. When dismissed, stand in line along wall one behind the other and wait for teacher.

Hallway Expectations H HONOR: Use time wisely and arrive to class on time. E EXPECTATIONS: Stay on right side of hallway and walk. Walk with hands, feet, and body to self. Keep moving except when stopped at locker. A ATTITUDE: Be positive. R RESPECT: Respect personal space, lockers, and belongings of others. T TEAMWORK: Keep traffic flowing. Pay attention to teachers or adult assistants when directions are given.

Restroom Expectations H HONOR: Use time wisely. E EXPECTATIONS: Use voice level 1 (whisper). Use appropriate language. Only one person at a time may enter a stall. A ATTITUDE: Manners matter. Be positive. R RESPECT: Students will flush and wash hands upon leaving bathroom. Respect the privacy of others. Keep hands, feet, and body to self. T TEAMWORK: Respect school property. If you mess it up, clean it up. Please pick up any trash.     P

Parent Pick-up expectations H HONOR: E EXPECTATIONS: When dismissed, walk to parent pick up area in front hallway. Please sit in floor in designated area. Keep hands, feet, and objects to self. Use voice level 1(whisper). Listen for your name to be called and for any directions given. A ATTITUDE: Be positive R RESPECT: T TEAMWORK:

Assembly Expectations H HONOR: Focus attention on activity E EXPECTATIONS: Enter in at voice level 1(whisper). Voice level 0 (No Talking) during assembly. Voice level 1-3 only when appropriate. Sit in your assigned area. Raise hand and wait for adult assistance while remaining in your seat. In emergency, raise hand or go to nearest exit. A ATTITUDE: Listen and learn from assembly program. Be positive. R RESPECT: Listen to adults and the activity. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Show respect for all presenters with applause when appropriate. T TEAMWORK: Pay attention to teachers or adult assistants when directions are given.

Field Trip Expectations H HONOR: Follow school and site expectations. E EXPECTATIONS: Use appropriate voice levels. Enter busses and attractions in a line. Stay seated, face forward, keep feet out of aisle. No movement while bus is moving. Remain with group or buddy at all times. Make sure an adult knows where you are at all times. A ATTITUDE: Be willing to learn and be courteous. Be positive. R RESPECT: Listen attentively. Keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself. T TEAMWORK: Pay attention to teachers or adult assistants when directions are given. Help others when needed.     .  

After School Expectations (Sports and clubs) H HONOR: Follow all MCMS rules, regulations, and dress code. E EXPECTATIONS: Use Voice Level 1-2. Voice Level 3-4 only as directed by staff/coaches. Walk to appropriate student areas. A ATTITUDE: Students, staff, and community will enjoy activity. Be positive. R RESPECT: Help maintain the cleanliness and order of school building and grounds. Provide a positive reflection of MCMS students to community members and out of town guests. Make sure transportation home will arrive on time. Keep hands, feet, and objects to self. T TEAMWORK: Support fellow classmates, team members, and club members in a positive manner.

Positive Rewards-Caught being good slip Every staff member will give “Caught You Being Good” slips to students demonstrating ABOVE AND BEYOND normal behavior expected. These slips will be carried with staff member or accessible in office, lounge, etc. for staff to give to a student. Staff members are asked to give 5-10 slips per week. Staff members write their name on bottom of slip. Students write their names on the slip. Students will turn slips in for weekly drawings. More information will be given later on drawings. Students may turn in slip to snack cart to receive a free snack on selected days(usually Fridays). Monthly Drawing - At end of each month, names will be drawn out of the caught being good boxes for prizes and rewards. Teachers may create their own opportunities for students to use their tickets in their classrooms.

FALCONS HAVE HEART ! Office Discipline Referral Form- This form is used for students that show problem behaviors. Please show students form. 4 minor misbehaviors equals 1 major misbehavior per month. Each additional infraction over 4 per month, will result in one day in ISS per infraction. All Major misbehaviors are referred to office immediately. Administration will conference with student and use appropriate consequences. Information will be entered into computer program that tracks all discipline referrals. Continuous office referrals and repeated major misbehaviors by students can lead to Falcon Academy referral.

Monthly Reward for Falcons that have Heart! FALCONS HAVE HEART ! Monthly Reward for Falcons that have Heart! All students will be rewarded each month for having good behavior. Students that have not been sent to office for major problem behaviors will receive a reward. This information will be gathered by office staff. This reward might include gym time, computer time, outside time, movie time, or other fun activity time.                                            

FALCONS HAVE HEART ! Falcons Nest Guidelines-Students must have four A’s per nine weeks. One F makes a student ineligible. Students that qualify will receive a one half day reward at end of 9 weeks. Students that qualify at least 3 times during the year will qualify for a big reward at the end of the school year.

FALCONS HAVE HEART ! H onor E xpectations A ttitude R espect T eamwork Keep doing what you have been doing that makes you successful. Please go over these expectations with the students. Go over your procedures that help kids meet the expectations. Let’s have a great year.

FALCONS HAVE HEART H onor E xpectations A ttitude R espect T eamwork