PMAY-HFA PMAY PMAY Mission launched on 25.06.2015 Total cities covered: 271 (including planning area/ Special area/ Industrial Area/Development Area ) Mission Period: 2015- 2022 State Level Nodal Agency: RGRHCL Implementing Agencies: KSDB, KHB, UDAs, ULBs, Private Developer etc Implementation Strategy : Convergence with State housing scheme Vajapayee Housing Scheme Ambedkar Housing Scheme Special Housing scheme, PKGB etc.
Beneficiary can take advantage under one component only VERTICALS BLC CLSS AHP Slum Redevelopment With private sector or public sector including Parastatal agencies For EWS Category IAs to prepare Integrated projects. Subsidy for new house or extention projects with EWS ( 35%), LIG, MIG & HIG houses. GoI grant Rs.1.5 lakh per EWS house Upfront subsidy @ 6.5% for EWS /LIG for loans upto Rs. 6 lakh for 20 year tenure. GoI grant Rs.1.5 lakh will be directly released to beneficiary through Geo Tracked system Beneficiary can take advantage under one component only “In-situ” using Land (govt/private) as a resource with private participation GoI grant Rs. 1 lakh per housea Extra FSI/FAR and TDR if required Land on Central Govt is also eligible For EWS Category House with max. 21 sqmt is eligible Min.9 sqmt to be added GoI grant Rs.1.5 lakh House/purchase/repurchase 4% & 3% for MIG 1 /MIG 2 for loans upto Rs. 9 lakh & Rs. 12 lakh respectively for 20 year tenure. EWS & LIG MIG 1& 2 New Enhancement
ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: PMAY ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: A family comprising husband, wife, unmarried children. Not having pucca house any where in India Having kutcha /semi kutcha house. Having pucca house carpet area less than 21 Sqmt Adult earning member (married/unmarried) having no house any where in India Family residing in ULB limit/ planning /special/development/industrial area Annul income as follows: Category Income BPL 0- 87600/- EWS 87600/-- 3 lakh LIG 3-6 lakh MIG 1 6 -12 lakh MIG 2 12-18 lakh
FUNDING PATTERN PMAY Vertical (Rs. In lakh) BPL EWS GoI GoK SC/ST General ISSR 1.00 2.00 1.20 0.00 BLC –New 1.5 BLC –Enhancement AHP Permissible Carpet area: Category Income Remarks BPL 30 sqmt May construct slightly larger house EWS LIG 60 Sqmt MIG 1 160 sqmt MIG 2 200 sqmt
CREDIT LINKED SUBSIDY SCHEME Purpose: New House(construction/ purchase/resale) Extension (EWS/LIG only) Repair (EWS/LIG only) Items EWS LIG MIG-1 MIG-2 Income limit (Per Annam) up to 3.00 lakh 3.01 to 6.00 lakh 6.01 lakh to 12 lakh 12.01 lakh to 18 lakh Carpet Area: (Sqmt) up to 30 up to 60 160 sqmt 200 sqmt Loan amount (max) 6.00 lakh 9.00 lakh 12.00 lakh Loan period 20 Year 20 year Interest subsidy (Per Annam) 6.5% 4 % 3 % Interest subsidy amount 2.67 lakh 2.67lakh 2.35 lakh 2.30 lakh Incentive in lieu of Loan processing fee 3000 2,000 Additional loan Additional loan beyond limit will be at non subsidized rate EWS/LIG beneficiary may construct larger house. But extension/ repair limited to 30sqmt/ 60 sqmt
CNA & BANKS Central Nodal Agencies: HUDCO/ NHB Banks: Scheduled Commercial banks Housing Finance Companies Regional Rural Banks State Cooperative Banks Urban Cooperative Banks Small Finance Banks Non Banking Finance Company-Micro Finance Institutions Beneficiaries will submit self –certificate /affidavit as proof of income Beneficiary has to submit application Directly to bank (EWS/LIG/MIG) Through ULB (EWS/LIG). Bankers will sanction loan after due diligence Subsidy will be claimed by banks from HUDCO / NHB. Subsidy will be released to beneficiaries account upfront Rs.250 per sanctioned application would be paid as incentive to ULBs (EWS/LIG only).
IMPLEMENTATION STEPS The following are the steps of implementation Demand Survey 1st HFAPoA 2nd AIP 3rd DPR submission 4th Implementation 5th SURVEY-ASSESS HOUSING DEMAND ULB/ KSDB conducted survey in non slum & slum areas respectively . Beneficiaries applied directly in citizen portal Or through Common Service Centres Validation of application received through Citizen Portal/ CSC will be conducted by ULBs.
PREPARATION OF HFAPoA/AIP HOUSING FOR ALL PLAN of ACTION: Based on demand survey /other data, ULBs will prepare HFAPoA Non slum Urban Poor Strategy to provide housing by 2022 (Year wise target /Vertical wise ) Asses fund requirement Plan for Resource Mobilization Slum development Analysis of present status of slums- Financial viability of slums Analysis of Tenability/ un-tenability Strategy for tenable / un-tenable slums
PREPARATION OF HFAPoA/AIP ANNUAL IMPLEMENTATION PLAN: Based on HFAPoA/ availability of resources, State will submit AIP dividing task upto 2022 (year-wise target/ fund requirement) Approval of SLSMC will be obtained. SUBMISSION OF DPRS Based on HFAPoA/ availability of resources, ULBs/ IAs will submit DPRs. 7B/7C/7D, Beneficiaries list, estimate plan, etc through online IMPLEMENTATION: AHP: IA will invite tenders, obtain approval from SLSMC Construction work will be entrusted to contractor Quality will be monitored by IAs/SLNA Houses will be allotted to beneficiaries. BLC: Beneficiary will construct house on their own. GPS photos (Bhuvan App/ Indira App ) will be captured. Fund will be released directly to his account.
PROJECT APPROVAL MECHANISM SLAC SLSMC/ GoK IA SLNA (RGRHCL) CSMC/ GoI Select Beneficiaries & submit DPR Verify DPR & place before SLAC/ SLSMC Appraise DPR & recommend to SLSMC Approve DPR & recommend to CSMC Approve DPR & release fund
FUND RELEASE MECHANISM AHP/BLC/ISSR: GoI share will be released in 3 installments – 40%, 40% & 20% 1st inst after approval of CSMC 2nd &3rd inst. will be released on 70% utilization. Funds to be kept in single account. Interest can be utilized for project purpose. CLSS: Advance subsidy will be released to CNA. Subsequent inst. on 70 % utilization. CNA to release the subsidy to banks in 4 inst. based on the claims on the total loans disbursed. Banks credit subsidy to the beneficiary’s account upfront.
FUND RELEASE MECHANISM Release in 4 inst GoK GoI Beneficiary UC RGRHCL BLC Release Release in 3 inst GoK GoI IA UC RGRHCL AHP Release
CAPACITY BUILDING ACTIVITIES : Funding Pattern Activities GoI GoK Remarks SLTC 75% 25% SLTC-10 experts CLTC CLTC-4 experts each city HFAPoA Demand survey, Preparation of HFAPoA TPQMA SLNA will appoint Agency for monitoring quality. GoI funds for 3 visits only Capacity Building 100% - Training/Workshops/ Exposure visits/ Research & Documentation / Best practices/ ICE Hoardings, Standees, Banner, Poster, leaflets etc Social Audit 5-10% of approved projects will be considered for social audit. Projects having more than 100 DUs will be considered. Geo-Tagging 5 stage photos needs to be captured for BLC projects. Surveyor & Supervisor will capture photo & moderate respectively. Rs. 200/- per Dus A&OE Travel Expenses (SLTC/CLTC), Communications, etc
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