Department of Computer Science and Technology IC-SOC Workshop (2001-2003) Summary of Research Work in Tsinghua University EDA Lab. Department of Computer Science and Technology Tsinghua University Beijing, 100084, China
1. Synthesis & Verification Hardware/Software Partition: Propose a SSS based H/S partition algorithm (ASICON2003) better solution than SA and less runtime than Tabu High-level Synthesis: Re-synthesis algorithm after floorplanning for timing optimization (ASICON2003) Based on initial scheduling do floorplanning After floorplanning do re-scheduling and re-allocation by force-balance method Controller Synthesis: A Heuristic State Minimization Algorithm For Incompletely Specified Finite State Machine (ASICON2003, JCST) 2019/8/29 EDA Lab., Tsinghua Univ.
2. Floorplanning & Interconnect Planning Based on proposed Corner Block List (CBL) representation propose several Extended Corner Block List, ECBL, CCBL and SUB-CBL to speed up floorplanning and handle more complicate L/T shaped and rectilinear shaped blocks. Propose floorplanning algorithms with some geometric constraints, such as boundary, abutment, L/T shaped blocks. Propose integrated floorplanning and buffer planning algorithms with consideration of congestion . Using research results from UCLA on interconnect planning About 30 papers published in DAC, ICCAD, ISPD, ASPDAC, ISCAS and Transactions. 2019/8/29 EDA Lab., Tsinghua Univ.
3. P/G Network Analysis & Optimization Propose an Area Minimization of Power Distribution Network Using Efficient Nonlinear Programming Techniques (ICCAD2001, accepted by IEEE Trans. On CAD) Propose a decoupling capacitance optimization algorithm for Robust On-Chip Power Delivery (ASPDAC2004, ASICON2003) 4. Global Routing & Special Routing Propose several congestion, timing, and both timing and congestion optimization global routing algorithms Papers were published in ASPDAC, ISCAS, and IEEE Transactions. 2019/8/29 EDA Lab., Tsinghua Univ.
5. Parasitic R/L/C Etraction 3-D R/C Extraction using Boundary Element Method (BEM) Quasi-Multiple Medium (QMM) BEM algorithms Hierarchical Block BEM (HBBEM) technique Fast 3-D Inductance Extraction (FIE) Papers were published in ASPDAC, ASICON and IEEE Transaction on MTT 2019/8/29 EDA Lab., Tsinghua Univ.