Mrs. Connors Mrs. D’Eramo Miss Klimchock Mrs. Vincent Open House 2nd Grade Mrs. Connors Mrs. D’Eramo Miss Klimchock Mrs. Vincent
Policies Tardy & Early Dismissal Excuse notes Educational Travel Doctor’s note needed to be excused Use NEW district form Excuse notes Needed in 3 days After 10 days absent a doctor’s note will be required to be excused Tardy and early dismissals will be added up and included into these 10 days Educational Travel Submit forms for approval Found on district website Clearances All 3 needed for classroom volunteers
Policies Continued Pick Up Policy Visitor Policy Notes need to be sent in at arrival time Date, person picking up, relationship to child, phone number If plans change after 9am and your child needs picked up, call or email teacher and front office (in case teacher does not get message) Go to main office at dismissal time to sign out students since we need a parent signature BRING ID!! Visitor Policy ID needed anytime you enter the building
Homework Spelling Fluency Math Assigned Monday and due on Friday Only assigned and tested on 5 days weeks Fluency Only 1 minute per night If kids end before time is up, go back to beginning and reread until time is up Math Assigned after the completion of each lesson
Grading Reports cards MS, PS, RS performance indicators MS-Meeting Standards PS-Progressing towards standards RS-Requires Support
Curriculum & Learning Resources StoryTown-ELA 2 week reading schedule 1 week spelling schedule Many supplemental resources and books used as well Expressions-Math Assessments at the end of units Rocket Math Individualized and differentiated! Writing speed determines goal
Technology Resources First in Math Reading A-Z Think Central Login and password information coming home this week Reading A-Z Differentiated reading books Think Central Access to StoryTown materials Classroom websites Weekly updates Access to spelling words, spelling homework, & math homework E-School Attendance records
AR Tests-Library Almost every book is on AR Kids have individualized goals to reach “Dot Color” (reading level) is based off of STAR test complete 3 times each year Books located by title, author, or quiz number Verify books are on AR with library resources/library website AR tests can only be taken at school NEO2s (computers) used in classroom for tests require quiz numbers These can be found on the website
Reading Support Mrs. Schilling
Please stop by the classroom to sign up for a conference time. Visit special classes, the bake sale, and the book fair