Mrs. Hebel’s 1st Grade Island Times Sept.. 12, 2016 – September 16, 2016 610-562-8608 ext. 4115 Special Schedule Monday, 9/12 – P.E. Tuesday, 9/13 - Art Wednesday, 9/14 – Library Thursday, 9/15 – P.E. Friday, 9/16 – Music Upcoming Events Friday, September 16, 2016 2:30pm Early Dismissal Hot Topics Math – We will review counting up to 20 objects by 1’s, We will also use the number line to practice counting forward and backward, from 1 to 30 and discuss how each number is one more or one less. Students will quantitites to number names and written numbers. Fundations–We will work in Unit 1, Week 2. Last week we worked on reviewing letters, sounds, and formation of; t, b, f, n, m, l, u, o, and c. This week we will review the following letters; a, g, d, s, e, r, p, and j. Have your child practice writing letters in packet. Scholastic Online Code: HZZ2K NEWS Star of the Day – We will continue doing Star of the Day this week. Your child will share their All About Me booklet and all children will practice writing and spelling the Star’s name. If you were unable to finish the All About Me booklet, please try to complete by Monday, September 12th. Reminder: I am using a service called REMIND to send quick reminders via text message to parents throughout the year. It is a great tool for me to get reminders about events at school out quickly. If you haven’t already signed up, I resent the information sheet with your child today. Writing We will begin our first unit in our Being a Writer program. Students will listen to a story called: “Things I Like”. I will model for students how to begin to write complete sentences. Students will use the prompt, I like to… they will each write their own ending to the sentence and illustrate it with a picture.