Count to 100, identify number, estimate Place Value and Money Count to 100, identify number, estimate Objectives Day 1 Identify and place 2-digit numbers on a number line. Compare and order numbers to 100. Day 2 Make reliable estimates of numbers up to 100. Before teaching, be aware that: On Day 1 children will need mini-whiteboards and pens. You will need 100 square, Sticky notes, 0-100 bead bar with tags, 0-100 bead strings, large 0-100 beaded line landmarked in 10s, large 0-100 number line landmarked in 10s to draw on/annotate on IWB. On Day 2 children will need mini-whiteboards and pens. You will need Supermarket vouchers, a cloth, small sorting hoops or plates to put each group of 10 vouchers into when counting. Year 2
Count to 100, identify number, estimate Place Value and Money Count to 100, identify number, estimate Starters Day 1 Count, read and write numbers to 100 (pre-requisite) Day 2 Pairs to 6 (simmering skills) Choose starters that suit your class by dragging and dropping the relevant slide or slides below to the start of the teaching for each day. Year 2
Count to 100, identify number, estimate Count and read numbers to 100 Place Value and Money Count to 100, identify number, estimate Starter Count and read numbers to 100 Pre-requisite skills – to use this starter, drag this slide to the start of Day 1 Use either a 1-100 square or the Number grid ITP to support counting to 100 and back again, emphasising the multiples of 5. Make sure children say numbers such as 15 and 50, 19 and 90 clearly. Use sticky notes to cover numbers on the 100-square or the mask facility on the ITP. Point to a hidden number. Children write the missing number and show together on the count of 5. Year 2
Count to 100, identify number, estimate Place Value and Money Count to 100, identify number, estimate Starter Pairs to 6 Simmering skills – to use this starter, drag this slide to the start of Day 2 Put children in pairs; lions and tigers! Ask Tigers, to show you 3 fingers. They work out how many fingers the other child must hold up to show 6 altogether. Repeat asking tigers to show 0 to 6 fingers, lions show the complement to 6. Try to build up the pace! Tigers and lions swap roles. Year 2
Count to 100, identify number, estimate Place Value and Money Count to 100, identify number, estimate Objectives Day 1 Identify and place 2-digit numbers on a number line. Compare and order numbers to 100. Year 2
Day 1: Identify and place 2-digit numbers on a number line; Compare and order numbers to 100. Let’s count to 100. If you prefer to use your own bead bar, move one bead at a time as you count to 100. Emphasise multiples of 5 and 10. Year 2
Day 1: Identify and place 2-digit numbers on a number line; Compare and order numbers to 100. Think of a number between 20 and 30. 20 30 Show your number on your bead string. Is your number closer to 20 or 30? If any children choose 25, simply recognise that this number is halfway between 20 and 30 – they do not need to know about ‘rounding up’ at this stage. Year 2
Day 1: Identify and place 2-digit numbers on a number line; Compare and order numbers to 100. Now think of a number between 30 and 40. 30 40 Show your number on your bead string. Is your number closer to 30 or 40? Year 2
Day 1: Identify and place 2-digit numbers on a number line; Compare and order numbers to 100. Let’s think of a number between 40 and 50. 40 50 Show your number on your bead string. Is your number closer to 40 or 50? Year 2
Day 1: Identify and place 2-digit numbers on a number line; Compare and order numbers to 100. This time, think of a number between 60 and 70. 60 70 Show your number on your bead string. Is your number closer to 60 or 70? Year 2
Day 1: Identify and place 2-digit numbers on a number line; Compare and order numbers to 100. And finally, think of a number between 90 and 100. 90 100 Show your number on your bead string. Is your number closer to 90 or 100? Year 2
Where do they go on the bead line? Day 1: Identify and place 2-digit numbers on a number line; Compare and order numbers to 100. Where do they go on the bead line? Which of these two numbers is bigger? Revise showing children how to draw tags to label numbers after beads on a large beaded line (see resources). 51 35 Year 2
Day 1: Identify and place 2-digit numbers on a number line; Compare and order numbers to 100. 35 Where does 35 go on this line? Where is it between 30 and 40? Which two multiples of 10 does it lie between? Year 2
Which two multiples of 10 does it lie between? Day 1: Identify and place 2-digit numbers on a number line; Compare and order numbers to 100. 51 What about 51? Is it closer to 50 or 60? Which two multiples of 10 does it lie between? Suggest that children imagine 10 beads in the space between 50 and 60, then hang a tag after the 1st bead. Year 2
Which two multiples of 10 does it lie between? Day 1: Identify and place 2-digit numbers on a number line; Compare and order numbers to 100. 77 Now let’s think about 77. Is it closer to 70 or 80? Which two multiples of 10 does it lie between? Year 2
Day 1: Identify and place 2-digit numbers on a number line; Compare and order numbers to 100. 24 And finally, where does 24 go? Is it closer to 20 or 30? Which two multiples of 10 does it lie between? Today would be a great day to use a problem-solving investigation – 100 square jigsaw – as the group activity, which you can find in this unit’s IN-DEPTH INVESTIGATION box on Hamilton’s website. Alternatively, children can now go on to do differentiated GROUP ACTIVITIES. You can find Hamilton’s group activities in this unit’s TEACHING AND GROUP ACTIVITIES download. WT: Children roll 1-10 or 0-9 dice to generate random 2-digit numbers, which they mark on a beaded line. Compare these pairs of numbers. ARE/GD: Children roll two 1-10 or 0-9 dice to generate random 2-digit numbers, which they mark on a beaded line. Compare these pairs of numbers. Identify multiples of 10 that a third random number lies between. WT/ARE/GD: Reason about the position of numbers in a 1-100 grid. Year 2
Challenge The Practice Sheet on this slide is suitable for most children. Differentiated PRACTICE WORKSHEETS are available on Hamilton’s website in this unit’s PROCEDURAL FLUENCY box. WT: Place value Sheet 1 ARE: Place value Sheet 2 GD: Place value Sheet 3 Year 2
Count to 100, identify number, estimate Place Value and Money Count to 100, identify number, estimate Objectives Day 2 Make reliable estimates of numbers up to 100. Year 2
When the cover is removed, try to guess how many vouchers there are. Day 2: Make reliable estimates of numbers up to 100. Spread out a pile of supermarket vouchers on a tray. Cover them. When the cover is removed, try to guess how many vouchers there are. Ensure children don’t have time to count the vouchers…they will need to estimate how many are there. Year 2
What are your estimates? Day 2: Make reliable estimates of numbers up to 100. … about 10? What are your estimates? … about 20? … about 50? … about 100? Remove the covering for 2 or 3 seconds, and then replace it. Discuss how, if we guess an exact number like 57, it is unlikely to be correct, but our estimate might be accurate if we guess something like ‘about 50’. Take estimates, then count the vouchers to check. Year 2
Day 2: Make reliable estimates of numbers up to 100. Let’s have another go… Repeat with a pile of about 100 vouchers. Ask children if this is harder to estimate? Why? Does having them close together in a pile help, or not? Year 2
How can we keep track of such a large number? Day 2: Make reliable estimates of numbers up to 100. How can we keep track of such a large number? Is there any way that we could group the vouchers to make counting them easier? Steer children towards a strategy of putting them in piles of 10 vouchers, placing piles of 10 in a hoop or on a plate, then counting in 10s and 1s. Repeat with about 50. Children can now go on to do differentiated GROUP ACTIVITIES. You can find Hamilton’s group activities in this unit’s TEACHING AND GROUP ACTIVITIES download. WT: Children estimate numbers to 50 and use grouping in 10s to make counting more efficient and reliable. ARE/GD: Children estimate numbers to 100 and use grouping in 10s to make counting more efficient and reliable. Year 2
The Practice Sheet on this slide is suitable for most children. Differentiated PRACTICE WORKSHEETS are available on Hamilton’s website in this unit’s PROCEDURAL FLUENCY box. WT/ARE/GD: Estimation Sheet 1 Challenge Year 2
Count to 100, identify number, estimate Place Value and Money Count to 100, identify number, estimate Well Done! You’ve completed this unit. Objectives Day 1 Identify and place 2-digit numbers on a number line. Compare and order numbers to 100. Day 2 Make reliable estimates of numbers up to 100. You can now use the Mastery: Reasoning and Problem-Solving questions to assess children’s success across this unit. Go to the next slide. Year 2
Problem solving and reasoning questions Draw a line. Mark the ends 0 and 100. Draw marks for 50, 80 and 20. Which numbers are in the wrong place on this line? 87 88 90 91 89 Write all the numbers between 20 and 100 that have a 10s digit that is 1 more than the 1s digit, e.g. 21. Year 2
Problem solving and reasoning: Answers Draw a line. Mark the ends 0 and 100. Draw marks for 50, 80 and 20. Numbers do not have to be exactly placed but should obviously be in correct sequence. 50 should be approximately half way along, 20 slightly closer to 0 than to 50 and 80 slightly closer to 100 than to 50 Which numbers are in the wrong place on this line? 89, 90 and 91. 87 88 89 90 91 Write all the numbers between 20 and 100 that have a 10s digit that is 1 more than the 1s digit, e.g. 21. 21, 32, 43, 54, 65, 76, 87, 98. Notice that there is a difference of 11 between successive pairs of numbers. Year 2