2019 Academic Administrator Workshop Advancing Research and Creativity Luis Cifuentes Vice President for Research Dean of the Graduate School
By 2025, the NMSU system will excel in promoting social mobility for our diverse student populations, achieve the highest Carnegie research status (R1), and maintain our Carnegie Community Engagement classification.
Axes Definitions X: Aggregate index includes PhD degrees awarded in one of four categories: humanities, social sciences, STEM fields and other discipline doctorates as well as the research staff, STEM expenditures, and non- STEM expenditures. Y: Per-capita index considers only three variables: non-faculty research staff, STEM expenditures, and non-STEM research expenditures all divided by the size of the faculty at the given institution.
Carnegie 2018 Classification R1 – 130 R1 + R2 < 20% of USNWR Ranked Schools (1400)
What is NMSU’s R1 Roadmap? Carnegie Classifications App
R1 By 2025 Tactics Accurate reporting of institutional information Grow STEM Expenditures to $120 M per year ($85 M added expenditures over 5 years) Increase doctoral students in existing humanities and social sciences programs Increase post doctoral researchers and research staff with doctorates by 10 per year Add professional masters programs that increase enrollment and create new revenue Add a PhD in humanities and/or social sciences
Learning Research Intensity Research greater part of mission Changing faculty workload Increasing resources More mature infrastructure Learning Research Intensity
ING ING or External ING or External ING or External Teaching Research Service Summer ING or External ING or External
Metrics/Baseline/Benchmark Publications/Creative Products (per TTF) Expenditures ($K per TTF) Post-Docs and Ph.D. Research Staff (per TTF)
Why Seek External Funding for Research? Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate School
Setting Expenditure Goals Indicators from past performance Benchmark peer research expenditures Integrating state and federal funding trends
Meeting Expenditure Goals Sponsor Funds Requested % Funding Rate % Effort Years Funded Estimated Funding Expenditure Year 1 National Science Foundation $ 200,000 10% 100% 2 $ 20,000 Department of Education $ 300,000 30% 50% $ 45,000 NIH 33% 3 $ 9,900 Year 2 15% $ 22,500 $ 74,900 Foundation Who Likes You $ 500,000 20% $ 33,000 EPA $ 29,700 Year 3 NSF Career $ 75,000 $ 160,100 Industry Who Likes You $ 100,000 1 $ 25,000 Department of Energy $ 1,500,000 5 Year 4 So Forth and So Forth … $ 262,600 Average $ 165,867
Metrics/Baseline/Benchmark Publications/Creative Products (per TTF) Expenditures ($K per TTF) Post-Docs and Ph.D. Research Staff (per TTF) Ph.D./MFA Enrollment (per TTF) M.S./M.A./Professional Masters Enrollment (per TTF) External/Total Graduate Student Support
Colleges/Departments Internal GA Funds ~ 8 % Graduate School ~ 92 % Colleges/Departments External GA Funds
Graduate Studies Funding Continuum Senior Year Undergrad Graduate School 1st Year Finish classes Dissertation Work Fellowships for Early Grad Students Post-Doc Dissertation Grants Generic Fellowships Academic Research Funding Strategies, LLC
Metrics/Baseline/Benchmark Publications/Creative Products (per TTF) Expenditures ($K per TTF) Post-Docs and Ph.D. Research Staff (per TTF) Ph.D./MFA Enrollment (per TTF) M.S./M.A./Professional Masters Enrollment (per TTF) External/Total Graduate Student Support UG Research/Creative Inquiry Named Faculty Positions National Faculty Awards Research Infrastructure