CSC/FAR 020, Computer Graphics, October 7, 2009 Dr. Dale E. Parson More outline for week 5-6, Assignment 4
Adjustment Layers Additional layers used strictly for adjustments. Retrieve from Parsons/Outbox. Open ScrabbleMusic30Sept2009.psd. Layer -> Duplicate Layer, hide Background. Layer -> New Adjustment Layer Dialog allows one type of edit per adjustment layer Color Curves is one example we have already used. Double click layer mask icon for adjustments dialog. Adjustments dialog left arrow to change command.
RL16.psd This is my work in progress. Re-copy to Desktop and open. Open RL16.psd for a look at my work in progress. Assignment 4 will concentrate on architecture and man-made geometric forms to construct a composite image.
My README Log 0. Open LittleWindow.psd, Duplicate layer, Cut away the black border, and go over the various Edit -> Transform transformations. Shift-Scale keeps the aspect ratio intact. Free transform includes perspective and skew with the Alt button held down. 1. Open RohrbachCenter.psd, Crop and Edit -> Transform -> Perspective until the vertical lines have no slope.
RohrbachCenter.psd 2. Crop again to some rounded-number dimensions. 3. Copy all, then grow canvas to 3 x width and 2 x height and paste duplicates using horizontal or vertical flips to align bricks. 4. Add a Curves adjustment layer masked to only curve the sky, drop red & green, blue less, then RGB. Get a blue-gray neutral background.
RohrbachCenter.psd -> RL16.psd 5. Reselect based on new boundary color, invert, then add a vibrance selection layer to the building only. Save RL16.psd. 6. Open EllisonLetterMachine.psd and crop to transparent as saved in EllisionLetterMachineCropped.psd. Bring a copy of latter's pixels into RL16.psd.
Interleaving Two Figures 7. Duplicate and paste 3 times, aligning central dark band and scaling as we go. 8. Cut away portions of letter machines hiding left and right window frames. Features of note: Between Layers an Alt-Click can create or remove Clipping Masks based on underlying layer. Linking Layers with a Chain Allows them to be manipulated together.
Assignment 4 Due Wednesday October 14 at 11:59 PM. Wednesday’s class will be a working session. Collect architectural images, possibly including walls, windows, staircases, mall corridors, and other constructs with human-made lines, curves, and repetitive patterns. You may use some from my two subfolders under MoreLayers, but not the ones that I have used. You must supply some of your own.
Assignment 4 continued Collect these in folder FirstLastArch, where First and Last are your name. You must make some use of “interleaved layers,” where a Layer seems to be “in front of” (in the foreground) some other layer and simultaneously “in back of” (in the background) the same layers. These layers appear interleaved. Document this in your log file.
Adjustment and/or Fill layers You must make use of one or more adjustment and / or fill layers to highlight foreground architectural elements. RL16.psd has two example adjustment layers. Document these in your log file. You must make use of one or more Edit -> Transforms such as scale, rotate, skew, distort, perspective, warp, flip, or free transform in conjunction with architectural aspects of the image. Document these in the log as well.
Make use of the Architects’ Ideas The goal here is to combine regular, repetitive architectural and related structural patterns provided by other people’s structures in ways that complement and reinforce those patterns. No arbitrary effects for effects sake. Describe in your log file the elements you combine, how you combine them (e.g., Adjustment Layers, Transform Perspective), and the final effect that you are going for.
Aesthetics Avoid throwing in disconnected objects Unless you are going for disconnection as a theme, but then be ready to justify it. Avoid effects for effects sake. Strive to combine complementary architectural / repetitive images in a way that allows them to complement each other, and using Photoshop tools that complement the images.