QPAC 2012 Alberta Queen’s Printer
2011/12 Accomplishments Published legislative changes Service delivery 150 new or amended statutes 12 statutes were repealed 388 new or amended regulations 34 regulations were repealed Service delivery Staff answered 26,566 phone calls Gross revenue $1.407 million 150,000 legislative materials distributed
Electronic Access to the Laws - 2011/12 Statistics Queen’s Printer Website Laws are available in PDF and HTML formats 1.757 million legislative retrievals Alberta Gazette was referenced 135,000 times QP Source Professional 1,238 licensed permits Accessed 53,000 times (authenticated logins) New statistics activated in January 2012 24,305 downloads 59,686 searches
Completed Projects – 2011/12 Computer refresh Dynamics 2010 upgrade Changed payment card processor Strengthened PCI compliance Finalized Specified Penalty Listing web application Legislative projects Published a new Specified Penalty Listing Discontinued the Electrical STANDATA subscription Wills and Succession Act in force February 1, 2012 Published OHS Code Explanation Guide in handbook format Updated Adoption Kits Regular updates for subscription items
Upcoming Projects Renew print contracts Review Queen’s Printer Regulations Mobile Apps Update Queen’s Printer website to new GoA template Windows 7/Office 2010/IE 8 upgrade Full PCI Compliance initiative Call centre and credit card numbers IVERNET a possible solution QP Source Professional software upgrade
Open Data across the GoA Most GoA ministries publish and make online information available for Albertans Most of the data is made available in PDF and/or via proprietary formats - the vast majority of information is statistically-based, with some key fact sheets The GoA has undertaken several open data initiatives: GeoDiscover Alberta Portal Established in January 2011 where one can search a catalogue of geospatial data Oil Sands Information Portal Established November 2011 where one can search a catalogue of environmental impacts of oil sands development
GoA Corporate Open Data The GoA is currently exploring the following regarding open data: How to coordinate open data efforts across GoA ministries and programs How to build momentum for increasing the type and volume of data released How to provide Albertans with free and easy access to high value, machine readable datasets and reported/statistical information generated and hosted by the GoA How to enable Albertans to easily find access, understand, and use data that is generated by the GoA
Official Versions of Legislation Bound volumes are the official version of the laws Currently considering making the electronic consolidations the official version of the laws Legislative changes required Challenges with historical in force proclamations Perception of positive environmental and expenditure benefits Supports the GoA Greening Government initiative – positive environmental return Potential reduction in expenditures for shipped printed materials
Official Version of the Alberta Gazette Paper copies continue to be the official version Name change issue Full text on QP Source Professional If consolidated legislation published online becomes the official version, consideration will be required to determine how it would affect the Alberta Gazette
Thank you for your interest in Alberta Queen’s Printer Gisele Abt Manager gisele.abt@gov.ab.ca 780-422-5647 Kimberley Coulter Customer Service Team Lead kimberley.coulter@gov.ab.ca 780-415-8891