Reinventing Education Act of 2004 School Community Councils.


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Presentation transcript:

Reinventing Education Act of 2004 School Community Councils

2 School Community Council Purpose Support the schools efforts to increase student achievement. Help engage the community in understanding and supporting the school. Support the principal, teachers, and other school staff.

School Community Council Composition Equal numbers of: school personnel (administrators, teachers, other staff) and primary stakeholders (students, parents, community members)

4 School Community Council Selection of members Principal Teachers elected by teachers Noncertificated personnel elected by noncertificated personnel Parents elected by parents Community representatives elected by parents Students selected by the student council

5 School Community Council Number of members There must be at least one teacher, one noncertificated staff member, one parent, one community representative, and one student, plus the principal. The total number of school personnel must equal the total number of primary stakeholders Therefore there will be a even number of SCC members

6 School Community Council Act 51 mandates Review and evaluate the Academic & Financial Plan: recommend revisions to the principal or approval by the complex area superintendent. {Section 25}

7 School Community Council Act 51 mandates Ensure the Academic and Financial Plan is aligned with the educational accountability system. {Section 25} –Includes student, school, individual (teachers, principals, other employees) accountability, and public accounting to parents, community members, businesses, higher education, media, political leadership. –Links authority and resources to responsibility. –Defines clear roles and responsibilities; involves collaboration. –Assesses, tracks, and reports trend data on measures of academic achievement, safety and well-being, and civic responsibility of individual students and schools. –Invokes consequences: rewards, assistance, sanctions. –Requires continuous professional development for teachers and administrators that is linked to professional evaluation. –Requires school, complex, and system fiscal report cards. –Includes an evaluation of complex area superintendents and principals.

8 School Community Council Act 51 mandates Participate in the selection and evaluation of the principal [in the manner set forth by the complex area superintendent]; transmit evaluations to the complex area superintendent. {Section 25} Provide collaborative opportunities for input and consultation. {Section 25}

9 School Community Council Act 51 mandates Review the principals determination of the schools repair and maintenance needs and recommend to the principal any changes before the principals determination is sent to the complex area superintendent. {Section 30}

10 School Community Council Act 51 mandates Request appropriate waivers of policies, rules, procedures, and provisions of collective bargaining units [when such waivers would lead to increased student achievement and are recommended by the principal]. {Section 21}

11 School Community Council Act 51 mandates Review A&F Plan. Ensure A&F Plan is aligned with accountability system. Participate in selection and evaluation of principal. Provide opportunities for input. Review repair & maintenance needs. Request waivers.

12 School Community Council IS NOT A governing board. – Does not hire and fire the principal. – Does not control school finances. – Does not evaluate teachers or other staff. A forum for promoting personal agendas. A body whose members represent constituencies.
