THE NSPCA 51 Years of Service, promoting the welfare of all animals in the Republic of South Africa
Has the NSPCA made a difference? Founded at the beginning of 1956 as the Federation of SPCAs. In 2005 our Mission Statement has not changed: that is THE PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS. Granted own self-governing Act of Parliament in 1993 – the only animal welfare organisation in the Republic (and possibly worldwide) to have its own legislation.
Responsible for ensuring that high standards are maintained by the 92 SPCAs throughout the Republic of South Africa. With those 92 member SPCAs undertakes approximately 93% of animal cruelty investigations and prosecutions. Recognised by the SA Veterinary Council, various National Government Departments, local authorities and animal-related industries as the experts in animal welfare. Authorised in 2005 by the National Department of Education to develop an animal awareness and sensitivity educational programme for the new outcomes based school curriculum.
Executive Director is on the board of the World Society for the Protection of Animals. A Humane Society International Shelter Partner. Affiliated to the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and the Humane Society of the United States. Patron is the Honourable Nelson Mandela. In the process of introducing First Strike to the judiciary in South Africa, linking unchecked animal cruelty to violence against humans as well as domestic abuse.
Negotiated in 2002 with the National Lotteries Board to include animal welfare organisations as beneficiaries of grants. Executive Director appointed in 2005 by the Minister of Environmental Affairs & Tourism to the panel of experts to investigate national policy on hunting. Have participated, and in some cases been the catalysts, in the development and introduction of Codes of Practice for various industries. Have led the way in establishing ethics committees for overseeing and reducing animal research at academic, government and commercial centres.
The NSPCA deals with national issues, and has four nationally operational units, namely, Research Ethics, Wildlife, Farm Animals and Society Liaison (this latter being for the training and support of SPCA personnel and Committees as well as for monitoring SPCA standards). And operates in areas where there is no existing SPCA, or where support is required, or has been specifically requested, or in response to disasters (i.e. emergencies, floods, fires).
We would certainly like to think that weve made a difference
How does the NSPCA manage its funds?
FUNDS OR FAITH? This has been a long standing debate in welfare circles. Do you cut your cloth to fit, close your eyes and turn away from the suffering, or do you take a huge leap of faith and respond to the needs now in a sustainable manner that will also benefit future generations? Would you turn your back in our shoes? We certainly cant. Preventing cruelty is, after all, our business. There is still no consensus on a right answer. We think it lies somewhere between the two view points.
Charities must be run as businesses to ensure maximum effectiveness of service delivery and to stretch every rand as far as possible. To this end, the NSPCA: We manage animal welfare as a business, with goals, and with compassion as a non-negotiable priority Constantly searches for ways to achieve its objectives and goals more cost-effectively; Has long-term fundraising strategies that are linked to project based management of the operational units; Has strict financial management and accountability protocols.
The trend of donors is towards funding projects rather than global operational costs – preferably excluding salaries and general overheads. Clearly there are advantages to project based costing, not least of which is the ability to satisfy potential donors as well as ensure better fiscal management. This enables the NSPCA to provide donors with quarterly, six-monthly or annual report-backs.
A policy document for the transformation of the SPCA movement was approved at the 50th Annual General Meeting of the NSPCA in October AA TRANSFORMATION POLICY A policy document for the transformation of the SPCA movement was approved at the 50th Annual General Meeting of the NSPCA in October HIV-AIDS POLICY
Education Training of SPCA Inspectors Development of Committees Monitoring of Welfare Standards Compilation of Codes and Regulations Disaster Response Emergency Relief Pro-active Welfare Work Community Outreach Development of Units or Standards within industries that utilise animals Liaison with animal-related industries Negotiation at Government and Provincial levels Awareness Campaigns What are the national issues that we address?
Research overseas has established beyond any doubt, the link between unchecked animal cruelty and human violence. Animal cruelty is present in 80% of all domestic abuse cases – so much so that animal cruelty is already used by some overseas authorities as an indicator of potential domestic abuse. Animal cruelty is a common factor in the backgrounds of serial killers and mass murderers. How does animal cruelty pose a direct threat to you?
The youngsters who shot up their classmates at Columbine High School in the USA had a background of animal cruelty – so did Dahmer. There is entertainment as well as many sports that are cruel. There are cultural and religious traditions worldwide that involve cruelty. In many instances, the rearing and slaughtering of animals for the table is cruel. STILL HAVE YOUR DOUBTS?
So why is it that we are always so shocked when we hear of the high statistics of violence, rape, child molesting and sodomy, domestic abuse and mindless killings in our country?
How can preventing cruelty make a meaningful contribution to the social development of South African society?
By INVESTING in the education of young children today; by having the PATIENCE to TRUST in their future; and the VISION to recognise that real, meaningful change will only manifest itself years from now.
THE SPIN-OFF? THE RAMIFICATIONS ARE ENORMOUS Adults and youth who make value judgements, based upon understanding and respect for fellow human beings as well as other species, who will reject violence and abuse.
HOW WILL WE KNOW? Progress will be assessed at school level in every grade. There will be a steady decrease in violence, animal cruelty and domestic abuse – this will be measurable by statistical research. Humane consumer and entertainment choices will be the rule rather than the exception. There will be an increase in the number of students applying for acceptance to animal-related professions such as the veterinary sciences, nature conservation, marine biology and so on (particularly from the disadvantaged sector).
ENTRENCHING the SPCA policy is first to educate people, before applying the law, wherever possible. Website: Telephone: Fax: protection of animals KNOWLEDGE and UNDERSTANDING owners with advice, by empowering their