Unit 1 Friendship Reading text 厦大附中 朱丽影
Task 1 Skimming Skimming: ( 泛读)a way to find the main idea quickly How to skim Read the title Read the fist sentence of each paragraph Notice any pictures, graph or chart Notice any different words read the summary or the last paragraph
Task 1 Skimming Read the text and find 1. who was Ann’s best friend? 2. what was the name of Ann’s best friend?
Task 2 Scanning Scanning ( 跳读):a way to find some special information quickly. When reading the text, you just keep what you want to find in mind, ignore other useless information. If you want to find a date, you would quickly read the text only looking for dates or numbers.
Task 2 Scanning Scan the text and answer the questions below: 1. How long had Ann hid away before they were discovered? 2. Since when had Ann hid away?
Task 3 Careful reading Careful reading is to find some detail information. 1.Ann lived in ____ in the Netherland during ______. 2. Her family was _____ so they had got to hide. 3. During hiding, Ann was crazy about_____ because she wasn’t able to go ______ for a long time.
Task 3 Careful reading 4. Matching Ann kept a dairy because She couldn’t meet her friends. She wanted it to be her best friend. She could tell everything to it. Jews were caught by Nazis and killed. She felt lonely because They had to hid because Ann named her dairy Kitty because
Task 4 Comprehending 1. What kind of life did Ann live during WWⅡ? A. Exciting and interesting B. Frightening but safe C. Happy but unsafe D. Frightening and unsafe
Task 4 Comprehending 2. About how long had Ann been in the hiding place when she wrote this part of dairy? 3. According to the dairy, we can know that Ann____. A. always stayed awake in order to look at the moon. B. wanted to experience nature by herself C. hated to do outdoors in the daytime About 2 years