Carolinas Annual Giving Conference Higher Education Disruption: Change is happening and what we do with it is up to us Carolinas Annual Giving Conference Tucker J. Branham, EdD, CFRE July 25th Charleston, SC
Overview Current Situation Types of Change Table Discussions Change Pipeline Influencers of change response How you respond Discussion - Questions
The Current Situation Small, private, liberal arts colleges are in financial crisis: low endowments, low enrollment, and increasing operational costs (Hartocollis, 2016). Presidential tenure is declining and age is increasing leading to a significant leadership transition occurring over the next three years (ACE, 2017) Most of small, private, liberal arts colleges are heavily tuition dependent. Revenue generation through increased enrollment is a priority. (Tierney, 2015; Weissman, 2014) System-wide change is often difficult for the individuals within the organization, and therefore successful outcomes of the change initiatives may be determined by the change responses of the employees. (Piderit, 2000; Craig, 2004)
Types of Change Origin of Change: External (revolutionary) or Internal factors (evolutionary) Orders of Change: First or Second Order Drivers of Change: Bottom-up or Top-down Implementation of Change: Planned or Unplanned
First vs. Second Order Change First-Order Change Second-Order Change Change in one or a few dimensions, components, or aspects Multidimensional, multicomponent change and aspects Change in one or a few levels (individual, group) Multilevel change (individuals, groups, and the whole organization) Change in one or two behavioral aspects (attitudes, values) Change in all the behavioral aspects (attitudes, norms, values, perceptions, beliefs, world view, behaviors) Quantitative change Qualitative change Change in content Change in context Continuity, improvements, and development in the same direction Discontinuity, taking a new direction Incremental change Revolutionary jumps Reversible change Irreversible change Logical and rational change Seemingly irrational change based on different logic Change that does not alter the world view or paradigm Change that results in a new world view or paradigm Change within the old state of being (thinking, acting) Change that results in a new state of being (thinking, acting)
Table Discussions Let’s take a minute to discuss a real situation. Pick one situation from your group and answer the questions on the following slide One person will be the scribe and report out You will have 15 minutes for this, so it is ok if you can’t get through everything as thoroughly as you would like!
The Change Initiative Pipeline Pick a recent significant change initiative that impacted you in some way What were the components of the change (origin, order, driver, implementation) How did you hear about the change? Were you a part of the process (discussion, role out, etc). If so, what role did you play? What was your cognitive, emotional, and behavioral response to that change? What about those around you? Why?
Influencing Factors on Change Response Piderit’s (2000) Response to Change Theory Emotional Cognitive Intention Change Response Positive Ambivalent Negative Components of Change Organizational Leadership Organizational Readiness Organizational Culture and Norms Beliefs and Values Time Organizational Viability
Your Response Makes a Difference Cognitive: Think about how this change serves a greater good. What information do you need? Who could give you that information? How can you help spread more accurate information that will help others have a positive response? Emotional: Understand your own reaction, again, what information do you need? Is it aligning with the mission and vision of the college/university? Is it aligning with your own values and beliefs? If so, how? If no, how not? Go back to the greater good. Behavioral: Are you supportive in words and actions? If so, is it genuine? If not, why not? Is it the cognitive or emotional or both disconnect?
Discussion and Questions