Teodora Brandmuller Unit E4 Urban Audit 2009-2011 Teodora Brandmuller Unit E4 07-Oct-2009 NUAC meeting Luxembourg
Why bother? 57 % of the population – live in cities (over 5 000 inhabitants) and urban agglomerations Some €21.1 billion has been earmarked for urban development between 2007 and 2013, representing 6.1% of the total EU cohesion policy budget. The Urban Audit is unique in its thematic, geographic and time coverage 07-Oct-2009
Planned actions I. 1 Identification of variables 2 Compilation of variables for the ANNUAL Urban Audit reference year: 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 variables: variables marked as "annual" in the variable list cities: cities listed as "Urban Audit" cities spatial levels: core city, larger urban zone, kernel 3 Compilation of variables for the EXHAUSTIVE Urban Audit reference year: 2008 (if unavailable, 2009, 2007 or 2006 may be used) variables: all spatial levels: core city, larger urban zone, kernel, national level 07-Oct-2009
Planned actions II. 4 Compilation of variables for the Large City Audit reference year: 2008 (if unavailable, 2009, 2007 or 2006 may be used) cities: cities listed as "Large City Audit" cities variables: variables marked as "LCA" in the variable list spatial levels: core city, larger urban zone 5 Compile an interim operational report 6 Compilation of variables for the 2009 ANNUAL Urban Audit reference year: 2009 variables: variables marked as "annual" in the variable list cities: cities listed as "Urban Audit" cities spatial levels: core city, larger urban zone, kernel 07-Oct-2009
Planned actions III. 7 Participate in the quality control of variables 8 Participate in the quality control of indicators 9 Compilation of maps 10 Compile a final operational report 07-Oct-2009
Next steps: Identification of variables Find out about data availability Resolve remaining issues of variable definitions Classify the list of variables for each territorial level into three categories: A= available, B= can be estimated, C= can not be estimated Transmit the conclusions to Eurostat in an Excel spreadsheet (use template from CIRCA) 07-Oct-2009
Next steps: Compilation of variables for the ANNUAL Urban Audit Contact the data providers Compile the ANNUAL variables for the different spatial units (core city, larger urban zone and kernel) for the reference year 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008. Thoroughly check the compiled data. Estimate missing data Transmit the data via eDAMIS to Eurostat in a standardised format (use template from CIRCA) Use the data set ID: URBANREG_AN for all domains 07-Oct-2009
NUAC meeting Luxembourg Grants 07-Oct-2009 NUAC meeting Luxembourg
The most important steps of the grant procedure Financing Decision Ex ante publicity Call for proposals Evaluation Decision Ex post publicity Payments Ex post control Audit by other Community organisations 21 applications received 07-Oct-2009
Participation in the project BE FR ? MT FI BG IE NL SE CZ IT AT UK DK CY PL CH DE LV PT NO EE LT RO TR EL LU SI ES HU SK 07-Oct-2009
The most important steps of the grant procedure Financing Decision Ex ante publicity Call for proposals Evaluation Decision Ex post publicity Payments Ex post control Audit by other Community organisations 07-Oct-2009
The "4 eyes" principle 07-Oct-2009
The most important steps of the grant procedure Financing Decision Ex ante publicity Call for proposals Evaluation Decision Ex post publicity Payments Ex post control Audit by other Community organisations grant agreements 07-Oct-2009
Thank you for your contributions! Question? Thank you for your contributions! 07-Oct-2009 NUAC meeting Luxembourg