Education applications and the FAST project. Jonathan Gay Co-ordinator for Sheffield
FAST - Education Constant need for parental interaction Example – Parental Permissions Written permission an increasing issue – Was permission given?, by who?, when?, for what? – Laborious to administer – Missing permissions give rise to delay and cost (and ultimately potential legal issues) – Must be certain person giving permission is authorised to do so = Robust Identity is Key
FAST - Education FAST provides a framework for managing the parental permission process on-line – Rules based – Easy to manage (with alerts to flag up issues) – Permissions Digitally Signed and archived for future reference Generic approach that can easily be adapted to other interactive processes Such as
FAST - Education Free school meals (on going activity with Cabinet Office) School place application Absence requests Interaction with special needs processes Etc. W-SPES provides interoperability with identity schemes across Europe if needed.
Progress on interoperability of trust W-Spes allows the use of cross border certification via the trusted CA 'tool' Current applications – Designed to meet specific local need Could be used as template for future applications – Unlikely to need certificates from other jurisdictions (other CA's) Even so, the capability is there
Pan European Challenge However, increasing numbers of cross boarder applications are emerging: Border can be: NationalRegionalOrganisational Vast majority of applications are focused on particular user groups Single CA meets the need!
Example cross border applications e.g. Cross border university course application Pan European education (numerous) e.g. Pharmaclick Pan European health (numerous) e.g. eProcurement systems in a single market context Pan European trade (numerous)
How do we achieve? How do we enable cross border applications using digital signatures from multiple CA's – W-SPES – of course! But do we have to build each new application from scratch? Could we not adopt a more generic approach?
Using FAST as a W-Spes enabled framework Fully Automated Secured Transaction Services Provides work flow engine Digital Signature readyHas API for integration into existing and new applications Uses the XAdES signature standard (W-Spes status can be included within the XML) Supports time stamping, secure archiving etc. What is FAST?
How can FAST help? FAST can work flow the signature process: At the point signature is applied verify the digital certificate status using crls / OCSP Verify digital certificate status with regard to W- Spes (i.e. is the CA in the trusted list and at what level) Provide the means by which relying parties verify digital signatures and the circumstances in which the signature was applied (including W-Spes status at time of signing) Secure archiving of resulting transaction records if needed
Illustration CA Wspes eForms Work flow Engine Signed Documents API
FAST applications under development FAST as a secure interface to eProcurment services. W-Spes can provide trust interoperability to meet single market requirements Spain FAST in Education - Allow the use of digital signatures by students from other EU countries W-Spes can provide trust interoperability allowing greater cross border mobility FAST as part of a digital ecosystem made up of many trust services providers (CAs) managed through W-Spes UK
W-SPES + FAST Example Permission to erect a grave stone (who) Expenses claim form (Dundee) each could be turned into a generic application within the FAST frame work for cross border use Existing W-Spes applications could be integrated into FAST New FAST application could make use of W-Spes to deliver trust interoperability
Conclusion Building W-Spes into secure transaction frame works such as FAST, delivers W-Spes as a generic service to all applications, rather than following a more laborious application-by- application approach.