University of Novi Sad Department of Physics


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Presentation transcript:

University of Novi Sad Department of Physics Neutrino: Catch me if you can! University of Novi Sad Department of Physics Branislav Nikolić

place your bets... lane 1 lane 2

cast: neutrino! - spin 1/2 - smallest mass - only 1 force (W, Z) - very strange particle... photon

no left antineutrinos or right neutrinos! (???) weak force – only left neutrinos and right antineutrinos no left antineutrinos or right neutrinos! (???) - spin vector parallel to momentum vector (right particle) or antiparallel (left particle) left neutrinos and right antineutrinos why the asymetry?! (weak force) - implies non-zero mass of neutrino... ...which we can’t measure.

Solar neutrino problem - neutrinos from the Sun: detected only 1/3 of the predicted number solved: neutrino oscillations (mixing)

produce an electron neutrino and detect a muon neutrino mass states flavor states produce an electron neutrino and detect a muon neutrino neutrino mixing (oscillations) – fundamental problem of New QM

different for antineutrinos! (? CP violation...?)

why neutrinos? why oscillations? nucleosynthesis – sensitive to neutrino oscillations! no neutrinos – no supernovae II (past decade research) > 95% of grav. energy carried away by neutrinos only! “neutrino driven wind” – the essence of explosion!

- neutrinos from the Early Universe - if oscillations then when decoupled from radiation? Cosmic Neutrino Background? Maybe one day... (deeper into past than CMB – even before nucleosynthesis!)

wait a nanosecond...a superluminal neutrino??? GOAL wait a nanosecond...a superluminal neutrino??? wins by 60 nanoseconds!

where is the beauty in that?! - new energies for supernovae - more adjusted explosion mechanisms for supernovae - new energies for nucleosynthesis - new models for nucleosynthesis - no more STR, no more E=mc^2, no more GTR, no more QFT....????? - good bye to Lorentz invariance on macroscopic level?!?! where is the beauty in that?!

- exploring both theoretical (fundamental) and experimental concequences in either case (superluminal or not) are a way to the holy grail in physics and prhaps in astrophysics-cosmology. conclusion: if you want to talk about the connection of micro and makroscopic world, you might want to consider neutrinos.