AVID- Science Notebooks
Where is WIRC? Writing Cornell Notes Costa’s levels of questioning Answering questions in complete sentences Summarizing Inquiry Helping students recognize and link new information to prior knowledge (learning happens) Be able to ask questions to elicit and challenge students’ thinking and misconceptions Ask questions that give students repeated opportunities to apply concepts to real world applications
Brain-storming (as individuals/group) Think-Pair-Share Reading Collaboration Classroom dialogue and conversion all help with clarifying misconceptions and identifying questions they have on topics they find confusing Brain-storming (as individuals/group) Think-Pair-Share Reading Ins help discover the background knowledge students may already have which helps teachers design instruction around the missing knowledge Great place to do K-W-L, graphic organizers, or other pre-reading activities to activate, build, and reinforce background knowledge students may need to make connections while reading
Organization Ins, Outs, and summaries help students understand how the concepts presented relate to one another (graphic organizers) Outs- you can incorporate questioning and reflection strategies that help make connections between class activities (Through) and what they read from the text Speaking Sharing ideas, answers, and thought processes