The Causes of the American Revolution.


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Presentation transcript:

The Causes of the American Revolution

Which Came First

Revolutionary Leaders

Acting Up

My Kind Of Colony

When in America, do as the British do.

Declaration of Independence

Which Came First Revolutionary Leaders Acting Up When in America, do as the British do. Declaration of Independence My Kind Of Colony $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

Discovery of America Magna Carta Founding of Jamestown

Boston Massacre Boston Tea Party The Tea Acts

Stamp Act Townshend Acts Navigation Act

Declaration of Independence Lexington and Concord French and Indian War Declaration of Independence French and Indian War

Columbus Discovers America Leonardo Begins The Last Supper Shakespeare writes Romeo and Juliet Columbus Discovers America

This man is given credit Redcoats were coming to For warning that the Redcoats were coming to Lexington and Concord Paul Revere

This man was the first to write About man’s “Natural Rights” and His ideas inspired many other revolutionary Leaders John Locke

Massachusetts delegate to The 2nd Continental Congress This man was the Massachusetts delegate to The 2nd Continental Congress & the pushed the hardest for Independence. John Adams

One of the writers of the Declaration of Independence This man was not only A famous inventor and Writer, but he was also One of the writers of the Declaration of Independence Ben Franklin

This man was a leader of the Boston Sons of Liberty, a brewer, And a revolutionary. He also was the Cousin of the 2nd President. Samuel Adams

This was the first major act that the British Imposed on the colonists. It required That all imports go through English Ports . The Navigation Acts

All legal documents and Papers have a royal stamp This Act required that All legal documents and Papers have a royal stamp Imposed on them. Stamp act

This Act was not a Tax, but did drive up the Cost of Tea Tea Act

This act said that colonists Had to house and feed British Soldiers. Quartering Act

Townshend Acts Writs of assistance Or unlimited search Warrants were used To enforce this act. Townshend Acts

Areas Controlled by The Spanish were known As this. New Spain

This colony covered and area The began in Canada and Ended in Louisiana New France

Primarily focused on financial Gain through the growth of The collective name of The colonies that were Primarily focused on financial Gain through the growth of Cash crops like Tobacco. Southern Colonies

People in these colonies Were very religious and Largely puritan New England

The people in these Colonies were the most Diverse of the British Territories. Middle Colonies

This British Document was The first to limit the power of the King and establish rule of law, An idea the Americans loved. Magna Carta

British Parliament was one Of the first successful implementations of representations in the world, It was also the blueprint of this Virginian Legislative body House of Burgesses

The English Bill of Rights Said that Parliament had the Right to approve taxes. This Lead the Americans to come Up with this slogan. No Taxation without representation.

Daily Double!!

Many of the Americans believed That going against the king was Like going against the Will of God. They were known as Tories or this Loyalists

The idea of overthrowing The king was not new. The British Did it bloodlessly in1688 with this The Glorious Revolution

John Adams believed that the 2nd of this month would be a day Of Independence, but it took 2 days To ratify the DOI. July

Met to decide what Action The colonies should take in 1775. This is the group that Met to decide what Action The colonies should take in 1775. 2nd Continental Congress

Independence was a list The Declaration of Independence was a list Of these Grievances

This man was the main Writer of the DOC Thomas Jefferson

Name two of the Four other men who Helped draft the DOC Franklin, Adams, Sherman, Livingston.

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In his writings, John Locke proposed That governments Main job was to protect These rights.

Life, Liberty, Property