What will we be learning Johnny was born in the year May 2019 Newsleter Mrs. Kallis’s Group B School Days 8:30 – 3:04 May 1, 3, 7, 8, 10, 14, 21, 22, 24, 28, 31 Themes Our May themes will include Insects as well as continuing our Author Study of Julia Donaldson. What will we be learning Letters: C, E, Y, D, V, J Numbers: 1 -20, counting forward and backward in a variety of ways. Science: The Five Senses Social: Citizenship Important Dates May 1 – Early Dismissal and Hat Day May 3 - Hot Lunch May 17 & 20 – No School May 24 – Field Trip Scholastic year Weekly Emails Johnny was born in the year I have not received any new Scholastic order forms at this time. Be sure to check your email for specific details on upcoming events such as class party’s as well as parent volunteer opportunities.