The GLC Questionnaire for 2007 18th Meeting of the Working Group of Local Coordinators for Data Transmission 5-6 March 2007 Agenda Item 12 The GLC Questionnaire for 2007 Vincent Tronet 2
GLC Questionnaire Constant structure Part 1: General assessment Part 2: Application and services assessment Part 3: Subject of interest for the year Part 4: Your comments (optional) Part 1, 2 and 4 are stable (only minor changes every year)
Suggested Part 3 in 2007 Objective number one of our strategy: reduce burden for all parties involved in data transmission process Part 3 used to better understand how the data transmission process currently works in each NSI in order to prepare or adjust the strategy for the future: Not to repeat the same mistakes, Take benefit of the best practices, Highlight common difficulties, practices, Chose the best way to implement the strategy in each organisation.
Recent surveys that allow better understanding the current situation 2004: LC survey, Part 3: How Stadium clients (VB and SWA) are used How are GESMES messages produced 2004: CVD survey on workload linked to data collection in Eurostat 2005: LC survey, Part 3: Your technical environment (architecture, production, data warehouse, DBMS, data sharing, XML, metadata, webservices, …) 2006: Survey on the usage of Excel for data collection
Suggested Part 3 in 2007 How is prepared and transmitted STSIND_TURN_M (Short Term Statistics on Industry – turnover – monthly)? => one of the best examples of what is received at SEP “STSIND_TURN_M”: close to 100% coverage SEP: monthly transmissions with more than 300 occurrences received in 2006 (21 countries in EU25 sent between 11 and 13 occurences in 2006) STS domains close to 100% GESMES format received (STS domains count for 44% of all GESMES files received in ESTAT and 26% of all files received at SEP are STS files) => furthermore: STS datasets sent to eDAMIS by each country NSI are data providers in each country STS datasets are not confidential
Possible questions Data source(s) to produce STSIND_TURN_M ? Tool(s) used to produce GESMES (GENEDI, Excel, …) ? Intermediate format and codes used ? (Excel, BTC, CSV, XML...) Number of steps for data preparation and transmission Mode used (Manual, automatic, intermediate, …) Usage of naming convention Number of persons/services/Organisations involved in data preparation and workload Organisation by first level (CONS, IND, RTD, SERV) or second level (EARN, EMPL, ORD, HOUR, PERM, PRIC, PROD, TURN, CAR) Special comments/difficulties/suggestions