The Buzz: Discovering your personality July 2019 Mick Burns Skills Development Scotland
Warm Up “She sits and she shines” “Six stick shifts stuck shut” Warm up activity to get pupils a bit more relaxed. Avoid this if you don’t want some mild swearing (i.e. The word ‘Sh*t’) in the class. Usually this gets pupils laughing and relaxed the atmosphere in the class. Tongue twisters to get pupils warmed up. Replace if need be. Skills Development Scotland
What do I like and dislike? What type of person am I? Personality Interests Values What am I good at? Do I have skills that I would like to use? Talents Skills Personal Qualities Touch on CMS and refer to the fact that today’s Buzz session will focus mainly on self and strengths What’s out there for me? Work? College/Uni? Modern Apprenticeship? Who can help me get to where I want to go? Family friends? Careers Advisers? Teachers?
Skills Development Scotland Self Help Resources: My World of Work Skills Development Scotland
Skills Development Scotland Happy and Successful People Believe in Yourself Know your Strengths Have a Plan The Right Attitude It’s about how you are clever rather than how clever you are. Happy and successful people have these four things in common. Remember that success is subjective and not based on financial gain or type of work. You are unique and understanding more about yourself and what makes you tick will allow you to be more sure of yourself and, in turn, happier. It’s more about how you are clever than how clever you are. Remember, success is relative and subjective. That is, everyone has different measures of what success is. With these four things, you’ll be happier and successful . Success is relative and subjective Skills Development Scotland
Skills Development Scotland Where does your energy come from: E or I? Erin I think out loud I prefer variety and action I like to act quickly I’m a good talker I like to give my opinion Ian I think before I speak I prefer quiet I like to be careful I’m a good listener I keep my thoughts to myself E vs I: This is where we get our source of energy from. Could also think of this as Extrovert vs. Introvert. Skills Development Scotland
Skills Development Scotland Activity Who is (E) and who is (I)? Identification Task: Click on each of the pictures to play the videos that correspond to Ed Sheeran and Jessie J [Only play first 30 secs – 1 min of videos] Ask students to identify who is E and who is I E (Jessie) and who is I (Ed). This video helps students to see an example of an E preference vs an I preference. Ask students to change their letter if they think that they may be the other preference after this activity. Skills Development Scotland
Skills Development Scotland How do you process information: S or N? Sharon I look for the facts I look for details I focus on what works now I prefer using what I’ve learned I’m more practical and sensible Norman I look for the possibilities I like to work out what it means I focus on how to make it different I prefer learning new skills I’m more of a dreamer and imaginative S or N preference is about how we process information Skills Development Scotland
Skills Development Scotland How do you make decisions: T or F Tom Task then people I tend to follow my head I ask, ‘Is it the right decision?’ I like rules and principles Telling it ‘how it is’ more important I tend to give and take criticism quite easily Fiona People then task I tend to follow my heart I ask, ‘How will it affect people?’ I like pleasing people Giving praise is more important I tend to be careful saying things that could upset someone T or F focuses on our decision making preferences: Thinking Vs Feeling Skills Development Scotland
Skills Development Scotland Attitude to life: J or P Janice I like to plan and organise I like writing lists I like to keep things tidy I prefer it when I’ve finished a task I usually work at a steady pace until the job is done Paul I like to wonder how things will turn out I don’t like writing lists I don’t mind things untidy I prefer it when I’ve started a task I often work at the last minute to get things done. Skills Development Scotland
What animal are you? ISTJ Polar Bear ISFJ Koala Bear INFJ Sea-horse INTJ Barn Owl INTP Tawny Owl ISTP Tiger ISFP Cat INFP Seal ENFP Clown Fish ESTP Panther ESFP Lion ENTP Falcon Explain to students that they should have 4 letters on their slip of paper. Ask them to check out the letter combinations and check which animal they are from the list on the screen. Have them come up and pick up their information sheet and give them a few minutes to read over it. ESTJ Black Bear ESFJ Teddy Bear ENFJ Dolphin ENTJ Eagle
Skills Development Scotland Check out your crib sheet Remember, you won’t all be the same; this is about YOU How well does this sum you up? Are there some things missing that describe you? Write down 4 or 5 of the strengths or attributes that you think best describe you Think of examples when you’ve demonstrated these skills or qualities Use these skills/qualities and examples when writing your CV or applications Skills Development Scotland
Mick Burns Getting in Contact Your Careers Adviser is: You can get in touch with Mick on: Drop in to our centre: Adam Ferguson House, Station Road, Musselburgh, EH21 7PQ Tel: 0131 665 3120 Skills Development Scotland