Important Dates for January Y.E.S. is on Point!!! YORKTOWN ELEMENTARY NEWSLETTER Important Dates for January 1-9: Report Cards go home 1-16: Math and Science night 5:30-6:30 pm 1-25: 100th Day of school 1-30: Progress Reports go home January is School Board Appreciation Month! YES would like to thank the following School Board members for all of their hard work and dedication to the children of our district: Deborah Kneese-President Randy Franke-Vice President Danette Respondek-Secretary Nelda Sertuche DeNeice Sinast Jody Hall Todd Metting Parent/Child Project: Friday, January 25th, 2019, will be the 100th day of school. The students may bring a collection of 100 objects to school before or on Friday. The collections can be made up of any kind of objects that you would like to provide. They can be glued or taped on a poster board, put in plastic containers, placed in plastic bags, a t-shirt, or displayed in any way you prefer. Please make sure it is something your child can carry. Small items such as pennies, beans, candy, buttons, miniature toys, would probably be best. Please feel free to use common household objects and inexpensive items. (Look around the house for a 100 item collection!) Have fun deciding together what your child would like to display as a 100 day collection. Label the collection with a title such as “My Collection of 100 Pencils” or “(Your child’s name)’s 100 Earrings.” Principal: Pamela Flores Counselor: Brandi Olsovsky Secretary: Rebecca Broll Spelling Bee Winners: Brody Lassmann Rylie Gallagoes Alt. Connor Saunders
Your child will be participating in On December 19th, 9 students traveled to Victoria to the movies as a reward for selling 20 or more items for our fundraiser! Counselor Corner The State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) will be administered this Spring 2019. For elementary, the STAAR measures the statewide curriculum in Reading at Grades 3-5; Writing at Grade 4; Mathematics at Grades 3-5; and Science at Grade 5. Your child will be participating in the following STAAR testing: April 9th 4th grade WRITING 5th grade MATH April 10th 5th grade READING May 13th 3rd & 4th grade MATH 5th grade MATH (retest) May 14th 3rd & 4th grade READING 5th grade READING (retest) May 15th 5th grade SCIENCE **Due to the importance of the STAAR test, please make sure there are no scheduled appointments or no early pick-ups on these days. Students do have the tendency to rush when they know they will be picked up early. Thank you for your continued support. Sincerely, Brandi Olsovsky, Counselor College Day! To help encourage our students to talk about college and all of the possibilities, we will have college day on the 1st Wednesday of each month. Wear your favorite college shirt! RIDING The school bus is regarded as an extension of the classroom. The rules are in place for the safety of your students as well as others who ride the bus. Please remember that riding the school bus is a privilege. Your child is expected to be cooperative, maintain order and obey the rules. Students can be removed for misbehavior.