Giant panda By: Kendall Stephen 1) Type the name of your animal 2) type your name 3) include a picture of your animal 4) change fonts and colors to personalize. By: Kendall Stephen
Ery Animal Facts Description Pandas are white and black . Their fur is very soft and gentle . Some people think giant pandas re giant pandas because their name is giant panda. But pandas look big and they are but very heavy pandas weigh 220-330 pounds. But a new born panda weigh 0.2 pounds ,and and are very small they are the size of a stick of butter .sense a panda is a type of bear it has fur because their white and black fur is soft. Giant pandas are super – duper quiet and if a giant panda walks past another animal it’s so quiet that the other animal can’t here. Diet a giant panda is a omnivore panda eat lots and lots of bamboo, bamboo is like the only thing that pandas eat. But giant panda also eat nuts if necessary, flowers. The more nutrients it has and it also has calcium, nitrogen and phosphorous. Movement A giant panda is slower than a car 18 mph. a cars speed is 60 mph. In the summer time pandas like to climb trees and the pandas climb 13,000 feet. Reason pandas are such great climbers is because there bulk. 1) Type a description of your animal 2) Type whether your animal is an herbivore, omnivore, or carnivore and what does it eat? 3) text telling how your animal moves 4) pic showing your animal 5)change fonts and colors to personalize.
Habitat 1) Map showing where your animal lives 2) pic of your animal in its habitat. 3) text telling where your animal lives, description of habitat, and any adaptations animal has to live in habitat 4) change fonts and colors to personalize. Giant pandas live in central china in temperate forest. Pandas can wet bamboo forest home. Pandas make their homes out of logs, stumps and conifer trees. Their habitat is near the mountains in the forest. A pandas territory miles. To mark pandas territory they put a waxy scent of marker on the ground. Giant pandas fur is important because it keeps the pandas warm when it is winter and the jaw is very strong so it can chew on the hard bamboo.
t Life Cycle Giant pandas do not lay eggs, the newborn baby pandas are born like us humans. Baby newborn pandas are are so small that the female panda will carry the newborn panda in her mouth. A female panda has only 1 or 2 baby pandas at a time. A female panda only takes care of one the baby pandas. The male panda giant panda leaves after mating. I guessed that it takes a day for the baby panda to be born, but it actually takes 4-6 months. A female panda mostly takes care of the baby giant panda. If a other animal tries to kill the baby panda then female panda will be the one there. A baby panda looks like it has a little bit of hair, and it is pink and it is super-duper tiny and it also starts growing every day, and also pandas names more fur. A baby panda has a special name but it is not a regular name pandas names are the day they were born like July or June. But in china they call baby pandas customary. Pandas live by themselves but if pandas lived together their would only be a couple of them. An adult panda looks big and has black ears and a panda has a like line of black right in between the white. A panda looks striped like a tiger. A panda lives up to about 20-25 years in the wild. In captivity a panda lives up to 30 years. 1) Info about when animal a baby 2) pic of your animal as baby or when young 3) text telling about animal changes as growing into an adult 4) pic of your animal as an adult 5) change fonts and colors to personalize.
Animal Interactions A giant panda is calm and nice and tries not to get into any fights so it doesn’t get angry like some of us won’t to stay away. Pandas have 11 different sounds which are bleating, honking, huffing ,barking , but not in a dog way. It also can growl which means pandas are not in contact. pandas don’t have any predators their predators are a very short list and the animals are Jackals, snow leopards, yellow throated martens. Pandas dislike being around other panda. If pandas don’t come in contact with other pandas the will growl. 1) Info about animal adaptation that protects your animal 2) pic and caption of an adaptation 3) text telling about another animal interaction (enemy, predator, prey, etc) 4) pic and caption of enemy, predator, prey, etc. 5) change fonts and colors to personalize. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
Interesting Facts Cool pandas do not hibernate like other bears do. wow Sometimes in china the giant panda is on the Chinese coins. Amazing panda cubs do not open their eyes until there 6 to 8 years old. Cool pandas do not hibernate like other bears do. 1) Fact #1 and picture 2) fact #2 and picture 3) fact #3 and picture 4) change fonts and colors to personalize. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA