Connecting SMEs with Key Enabling Technology Centres across Europe Daniele Cozzi, JOANNEUM RESEARCH
KET4Clean Production (KET4CP) EU - H2020 Project Improve Access of SMEs to Key Enabling Technologies (KETs): KET Technology Centers establish a dedicated platform: „Micro-Grants“: Solid Funding for SMEs 50.000€ R&D consultancy per funded project (2 Mio. EUR total) Goal: Improvement of production processes with the aid of KETs Applications possible until the end of 2020 All production SMEs can take part Partners from 18 different countries P2 to P12 = premier-class EU-based technology infrastructures in the field of KETs/ EU-labeled by the EC = KET service providers from 12 diff countries P13 to P20 = EEN organisations situated in countries where relative importance of manufacturing is above 20% and KET access is still difficult P1 = coordinators
Contacts 10-May-18 Interested for more? Contacts +43 316 876 3000 +43 660 4129554 Title of presentation or Occasion of speaking