Distance Education at the Centre for Open Education, Macquarie University Pepi Weinrauch Manager, Distance Education Student Services
Distance Ed support role The DE team Liaises between lecturers, external students and; CSS, the Dean of Students, Student Wellbeing, SBSS, Fees, Faculties and Academic Programs. It provides information on external studies for staff and students as on request.
Undergraduate External Degrees Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Education [Early Childhood Education] Bachelor of Teaching [Birth to 5 Years] LLB [Bachelor of Laws]
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science by Distance Pathways I have always wanted to continue my education but I never had the chance… For many years now I have been haunted with an un-fulfilling and ever growing regret of why didnt I follow my dreams?!
Postgraduate External Degrees Up to 100 Postgraduate degrees offered. Ancient and Modern History, Childrens Literature, Coptic Studies, Creative Writing, International Relations, Law, Policing Intelligence and Counter Terrorism, Early Childhood, Education, Applied Linguistics, Communication Disorders, Editing and Publishing, Translating and Interpreting, Applied Statistics, Biostatistics, Museum Studies, Wildlife Management, Social Impact Assessment.
External student case studies Student claims that attempting to enrol online is threatening his sanity Student cant attend weekly tutorials and lectures, or access or Blackboard, due to his work in remote locations as a field geologist with a WA mining company
External student focus External students can miss out on the campus experience These students miss information that internal students get by word of mouth Assumed knowledge
Non Assessable unit project NA unit provides community for external students NA unit provides study skills assistance NA unit provides opportunities to interact with other external students across degrees and disciplines NA unit provides feedback opportunities
Call us, us, fax us or drop in to X5B. Were here to help you deliver the best possible learning experience to our external students.