2007-06-19 pp.317-319 Time: Tuesday 10:40-12:10 Room: 8-309 Instructor: Mafuyu Kitahara Material: Balota D. A. (1994) “Visual word recognition” in M. A. Gernsbacher (ed.) Handbook of Psycholinguistics, pp. 303-358, San Diego: Academic Press.
Seidenberg & McClleland (1) Good results Regular words Exception words Nonwords Freq x Regularity Dual-route account Hfreq reg >> fast lexical Lfreq reg >> assembled Hfreq ex >> fast lexical Lfreq ex >> assembled+slow lexical+interference Simulation shows the same results
Seidenberg & McClleland (2) Neighborhood Target = “lint” Friends = “mint”, “hint”, “tint” Enemy = “pint [paint]” Frequency of each matters mint hint lint E T pint tint T E
Seidenberg & McClleland (3) Problems Dyslexia Bias from nonwords/exception words Subjects rely more on assembled Attentional demands interfere assembled route Meaning level Error score simulation is poor in nonwords