In His Image Genesis 1:26-27.


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Presentation transcript:

In His Image Genesis 1:26-27

What Is Man? Evolution – man is a highly evolved animal Psychology / Sociology – man is the product of his surroundings or brain waves New Age – man is God

The Image and Likeness of God Preliminary Observations Key Points from Genesis 1 and 2… 1. Divine (Godhead) decree and purpose – “let us make man…” God and angels? God and earth? God and his attributes (plural of majesty)? God and other gods (polytheism)? God, Jesus and the H.S. (3:22; 11:7)?

The Image and Likeness of God Preliminary Observations Key Points from Genesis 1 and 2… 2. Unique creation – “breathed life…” 3. Sexes of mankind were formed differently and at different times – “one of his ribs…” 4. “Male and female,” not “after their kind…” 5. Mankind alone is made in God’s “image” 6. Mankind alone has dominion over creation 7. Mankind alone is given responsibilities and work

The Image and Likeness of God Preliminary Observations Key Points from Genesis 1 and 2… 8. Mankind alone is given responsibilities and work 9. Both male and female (“them, 1:28) were blessed, pointing to equality of design 10. Mankind is the crown of God creation (timing, special wording, God’s image, a garden prepared, dominion over all)

The Image and Likeness of God Preliminary Observations “Image” and “Likeness” refer to the same thing The word “and” in some English versions (Gen. 1:26) is not in the Hebrew text Some say “image” ref. to the physical side of man and “likeness” ref. to the ethical side

The Image and Likeness of God Preliminary Observations “Image” (Heb. tselem) = representation, resemblance “Likeness” (Heb. demuth) = similarity “Image” and “likeness” are used interchangeably (Gen. 1:26-27; 5:1-3; 9:6)

The Image and Likeness of God Preliminary Observations “Image” and “likeness” apply to both male and female (Gen. 1:27-28; 5:1-3) What is the “image” of God? Some look to themselves for the answer: everything we are is like God.

The Image and Likeness of God Preliminary Observations What is the “image” of God? This approach leads to conflict with Scripture (body? sexual differences?) We must look to the Bible for the answer

The Image and Likeness of God What It Does Not Mean Man is God Satan first suggested this (Gen. 3:5) Deification of self is the central message of the New Age Movement

The Image and Likeness of God What It Does Not Mean Man is God We are not made in the “essence” (nature) of God, we are made in the “image” of God We are not God (Ezek. 28:2; Ac. 12:21-23; 14:11,15)

The Image and Likeness of God What It Does Not Mean Man Looks Like God The Heb. tselem (“image”) in some contexts can refer to physical appearance (looking like a man, Ezek. 16:17)

The Image and Likeness of God What It Does Not Mean Man Looks Like God Animals have similar physical features (eyes, ears, hands, etc.), but are not made in God’s “image” God is a noncorporeal spirit (Ex. 20:1-4; Jn. 4:24 [Lk. 24:39])

The Image and Likeness of God What It Does Not Mean Man is Sexual Like God Sexual distinction is also found in animals, but they are not made in God’s “image” Sexuality and gender distinction are not found among spirit beings (Lk. 20:35-36)

The Image and Likeness of God What It Does Not Mean Man is Sexual Like God The Bible nowhere speaks of the sexuality of God, Jesus and Holy Spirit (except the fact that all three are spoken of as “he”)

The Image and Likeness of God What It Does Not Mean Man Has Dominion Like God It has been suggested that man’s function, not his nature, is the “image” of God

The Image and Likeness of God What It Does Not Mean Man Has Dominion Like God Dominion over creation is the result or consequence of being made in God’s “image,” not the “image” itself (Gen. 1:28; Psa. 8:4-6)

The Image and Likeness of God What It Means Man is a social being (Gen. 2:18) Man has a capacity for volition - free-will (Josh. 24:15) Man is creative (Gen. 4:21-22) Man can speak and write (Gen. 2:20)

The Image and Likeness of God What It Means Man has the ability to reason (Isa. 1:18) Man has an innate desire to worship a “higher being” (Gen. 4:1ff) Man possesses an immortal soul (Eccl. 12:7; Heb. 12:9)

The Image and Likeness of God What It Means Man can discern right and wrong (Heb. 5:14) Man possesses a conscience (Rom. 2:15) Man experiences heart-felt emotion (1 Jn. 4:7ff)

The Image and Likeness of God What It Means Summary: Mankind is a “personal” being (2 Cor. 4:16) like God (Ex. 3:14) Liberal “environmentalists” should remember that mankind is made in the image of God, not animals, not plants, not the earth

The Image and Likeness of God Was It Destroyed by Sin? Many denominational commentators view the “image” of God as man’s original righteousness (“spiritual perfection”) destroyed by the first sin? damaged by the first sin?

The Image and Likeness of God Was It Destroyed by Sin? Bible Answer: Man’s reasoning / volition remained after the fall Gen. 9:6; 1 Cor. 11:7; and Jas. 3:9 refer to man after the fall

The Image and Likeness of God Practical Lessons We must not harm our fellow-man By murder (Gen. 9:6) By words (Jas. 3:9) We must not make idols (Ex. 20:4; Psa. 106:19-20; Rom. 1:23)

The Image and Likeness of God Practical Lessons We are the “offspring” of God, let us act like it (Acts 17:29; see Lk. 3:38) Male headship must be respected (1 Cor. 11:7) We are better than the world says we are (Gen. 1:26-27)

The Image and Likeness of God Practical Lessons There is one more “image” that you need to know about Christians have a special “image” to live up to… Jesus is the “image of God” (2 Cor. 4:4-6; Col. 1:15; Heb. 1:3; see Jn. 14:9)

The Image and Likeness of God Practical Lessons Christians have a special “image” to live up to… Christians are the “image of his Son” (Rom. 8:29; 2 Cor. 3:18; Eph. 4:24; Col. 3:10) “born of” (Jn. 3:3-5) “divine nature” (2 Pet. 1:4)