To identify geographic factors responsible for patterns of population. OBJECTIVES: To identify geographic factors responsible for patterns of population. Key Words Climate Monsoon Elevation Latitudes Ocean current ACTIVITIES: Climate Notes Climate Lab Guiding Questions: What explains patterns of population in places & regions? What affects climate? :
What 2 countries have the largest populations in the world? WARM-UP What 2 countries have the largest populations in the world? Look at the info on p. 92.
Look at the next slide. What do you notice about all the lights Look at the next slide. What do you notice about all the lights? What do you think this means? Why do you think all the lights are only in certain areas?
Climate Climate is the average weather over a long period of time. It includes temperature (hot/cold) and precipitation (wet/dry: rain, snow)
Factors that affect climate Latitude Elevation Ocean Currents Winds Mountain Barriers
LATITUDE (distance from the Equator) Close to the equator= warmer temperatures Farther from the equator= cooler temperatures
Think about those questions I asked you earlier about the lights…and think about latitude now. Do you think that has an affect on why people chose to live where they do? What kind of climate to you think most people prefer to live in?
ELEVATION (height of the land: mountains or plateaus) The higher the elevation, the cooler the climate The lower the elevation, the warmer the climate
Again, think about elevation and where the lights are.
OCEAN CURRENTS (movements of the ocean waters) Warm currents bring warmer temperatures to cold areas. Cold currents bring cooler temperatures to warm areas.
What kind of ocean currents do most people seem to live near What kind of ocean currents do most people seem to live near? Look at the map on the slide before this and then look at the lights on the next map? Again, think about what kind of climate people prefer to live near.
Wind Patterns Winds (from ocean to land) bring moist air and rain, such as monsoons. Or Winds can bring dry air to an area
Winds such as monsoons that blow over India bring heavy rains.
The ocean side of a mountain range often has heavy rainfall. MOUNTAIN BARRIERS The ocean side of a mountain range often has heavy rainfall. The air on the other side of the mountains from the ocean is normally very dry.
ATACAMA DESERT-the driest desert Parts of Chile's Atacama Desert haven't seen a drop of rain since recordkeeping began. The desert is located on the leeward side of the Andes Mountains, so little moisture from the Pacific Ocean can reach the desert.
What type of climate do you think people prefer?
CLIMATE In general, people live where there is fair or good weather. People don’t like to live where it is extremely cold or too hot. In extremes of climate, either hot or cold, too much energy goes into the simple business of survival. You have to work twice as hard to get enough to eat out of the ground.
CLIMATE Almost 2/3 of the world’s population lives in the zone between 20 N and 60 N latitude because of the suitable climate. The zone is warm and wet enough to make farming possible.